Chapter 9

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By the beginning of Maine and Valeen's fourth year of residency they have both assisted in hundreds of operations. Surgeries have become second nature to them. Both have participated to different surgeries both minor and major operations.

Maine was given her first ever solo operation. When she arrived at the operating room, she was asked by the nurse.

"Dr. Mendoza, what music do you want us to play?"

Maine was taken a back with the question. This is the first time she was asked about her preference for music. "What do you mean?"

The nurse then looked at her and again spoke "The background music during the procedure. Or do you prefer to just turn off he sounds?"

It was only then that it sink in on her that she now has the power to choose what to listen to as it is her operation. She then smiled to the nurse and said. "Uhmmmm, either the Script or Coldplay." Then she smiled.

The operation took 8 hours, and it was a success. Everyone was exhausted after the procedure and everyone just wanted to go home. Well, everyone except Maine. She was on a high. She was so elated for finally she was able to handle her first own operation. She was in-charge. The freedom and responsibility that was given to her was like an ambrosia. She feels like she's invincible and can do no wrong.

She then thought of texting Valeen to invite her to have dinner so they can celebrate. However, even before she can send her a message, she got one and Valeen already beat her into it. Valeen asked if they can have dinner together to catch up. Maine immediately agreed.

The following day, Maine was in charge of afternoon rounds, Dr. Ejercito a fellow senior resident stopped her in the corridor. "This is your lucky day." He grinned. "You're getting a new medical school student to take around."


"Yeah, the IN."


"Idiot Nephew. Dr. De Leon's wife has a nephew who wants to be a doctor. They threw him out of his last two schools. We've all had to put up with him. Today it's your turn."

Maine groaned. "I don't have the time for this. I'm up to my...."

"It's not an option. Be a good girl and Dr. De Leon will give you cupcake points." Dr. Ejercito jested as he walks away.

Maine sighed and walked over to where the new residents were waiting to start the rounds. Where's the IN? She looked at her watch. He was already three minutes late. I'll give him one more minute, Maine decided and then to hell with him. She then saw him, A tall, lean looking man hurrying towards her, from the other side of the corridor.

He walked up to Paige, out of breath, and said, "Excuse me. Dr. De Leon asked me to..."

"You're late!" Maine said curtly.

"I know. I'm sorry. I was held up at..."

"Never mind. What's your name?" Maine again cut her off.

"Richard. Richard Faulkerson Jr. But you can call me RJ." he said with a smile. He was wearing a white sports jacket. He then extended his right hand to shake Maine's hand but Maine ignored it.

"Where's your white coat?"

"My white coat?"

"Didn't anyone tell you to wear a white coat on rounds?"

He looked flustered. "No. I'm afraid I..."

Maine said irritably, "Go back to the head nurse's office and tell her to give you a white coat. And you don't have a scut book."

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