Chapter 29

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The following day, Richard was still sleeping on the sofa bed beside Sebastian when their room door suddenly opened. The sound prompted Richard to wake up and so is Sebastian.

When the door fully opened, Rose Fulkerson came in with Maine in tow. Richard's father came in last carrying a lot of paper bags on both of his hands.

"Where's my grandchild? How is he?" Rose immediately asked Richard.

"Good morning too Mom!" Richard said with a smile. He then approached his mother and was about to kiss her, when Rose immediately dismissed him and went straight to Sebastian's bed. She held Sebastian's hand and kissed Sebastian's cheeks.

"Hello Baby! I'm your granny. How are you feeling?" Rose asked the child.

"Sweetheart, how can Sebastian answer you if you're asking too much question? I think you should first introduce yourself." The elder Faulkerson said. He also went to the other side of Sebastian and kissed the child on his head, "Hi Sebastian. I'm your Lolo." He said proudly.

Richard and Maine exchanged looks as they were amazed about Richard's parents' reaction.

When they turned to look at the scene unfolding before their very eyes, they saw Rose Faulkerson embracing Sebastian while the other man was trying to also bear hug both Sebastian and Rose. This scene put a huge smile to both the faces of Richard and Maine. After the two disentangled themselves from embracing Sebastian, Rose sat on the side of the bed and spoke, "Sebastian baby, I am your grandmother, but you can call me Mamita."

Sebastian is now looking at Rose and spoke, "Mamita, I'm hungry."

"What do you want baby? Chocolates, burger, pizza, French fries? Tell Mamita and we will buy it for you." Rose immediately said.

Richard was about to tell her mom that junk foods are not allowed at the moment, but before he can speak his father quipped in.

"Yes, Sebastian. Just tell Mamita and Lolo Daddy and we will buy you whatever you want." Richard Sr. said to the child.

Since Richard cannot speak immediately, it was now Maine who took the opportunity to speak. "Tito, Tita, excuse me. But we still cannot give a lot of greasy foods to Sebastian. He's still recovering and we are still monitoring his vital signs. We need to be careful with the food that he eats."

She then turned to Sebastian and said, "Sebastian, I know you wanted to eat a lot of food. But you need to be careful with what you're eating okay. Healthy foods for the meantime until you're feeling well. Okay?"

Sebastian looked at his grandparents then to Richard, and then finally to Maine. "Okay Dr. Maine. I promise to eat healthy foods. But, can I eat just 1 chocolate now please, please, please..." Sebastian was showing his puppy dog eyes and this look melted Maine's resolved.

"Okay. One small bar only. Pinky promise?" Maine raised her pinky finger and reached out to Sebastian.

Sebastian then extended his pinky finger as well and clasped it to Maine's pinky. "Pinky promise." He said with a huge smile.

Since the deal was done, Richard then proceed to grab a small chocolate bar at the side table and handed it to Sebastian.

"Thank you Daddy." Sebastian said and gave him a sweet smile. Richard in return said, "Welcome baby."

After another week, Sebastian was cleared and he was discharged from the hospital. Richard's parents insisted that both Richard and Sebastian stays with them for the meantime. They argued that they wanted to get to know Sebastian more and since Richard will be working he needs to leave Sebastian with his parents as well.

Maine on the other hand missed Sebastian already. She missed visiting his room every morning and in the afternoon. She might not admit it out loud but deep inside she also missed the feeling of spending time with both Richard and Sebastian. She feels happy every time they were together and she feels like they were a family.

One afternoon, Maine was just completed her rounds and was about to leave the hospital for the day when she heard her name being called by a small voice.

"Dr. Maine... Dr. Maine..."

Maine then turned around and she saw Sebastian trying to get loose from Richard's hold and immediately run towards her. Sebastian was smiling from ear to ear and was running as fast as his small legs can get him towards Maine. When he reached Maine, he immediately hugged Maine who bended down and opened her arms to hug Sebastian back.

"Hi Dr. Maine. I missed you!" Sebastian said out of breathe. He then proceeded to kiss Maine on her left cheek.

Maine then looked at Sebastian and smiled and also kissed him back, "Hello Sebastian. I missed you too!" She then looked at Richard and gave him a smile then looked right back at Sebastian and continued, "So, how are you doing, Baste? How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine! I'm strong as Iron Man!" Sebastian exclaimed and he even posed just like Iron Man with his hands on his hips.

Both Richard and Maine then laughed at what Sebastian did.

"Wow! Yes, you look just like Iron Man." Maine said. She then asked, "So what brought you two here?"

"We came to see you! I miss you Dr. Maine. But I think Dad missed you more." Sebastian said.

"Hey! Buddy, you're selling me out." Richard said to Sebastian but his ears are now turning red. He then approached Maine and kissed her on the cheeks and said hi. Maine then greeted him back.

"So, seems like you're about to go home already." Richard then said.

"Yup, I don't have any scheduled operation tonight so I can go home early." Maine declared with a smile.

Sebastian then tugged on Maine's white coat to call her attention. When he got it, he spoke, "Dr. Maine, can I asked you something?"

"Of course Baste. What is it you wanted to ask?"

"Can I just call you Mommy Maine?"

"What?!" both Richard and Maine said at the same time. They were both shocked with Sebastian's question and both of them were turning red.

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