Chapter 53

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The following Monday, Maine needed to go to the hospital early, so she called Richard and told him not to pick her anymore so that he won't have to leave too early.

"Love, I can still go there early so that I can bring you to work." Richard insisted.

"It's not necessary Love. I know you can, but I don't want you to leave early even before Sebastian wakes up. We both know that he will look for you when he wakes up."

"I know but..."

"Love, I will be alright. I will just drive myself. Don't worry, I will meet you later. Okay?"

"Fine, fine. But why do you need to come in too early?"

"Well... Promise me first you will not react too much."


"Promise me first, Love."

"Okay, I promise. So what is it?"

"Well, I do have a consult with Miggy."

"What? With that... that..."

"Love, you promised."

Richard let out a huge sigh. "Love, okay I won't over react. But please let me bring you to work. I want to ensure that he will not do any harm on you."

"Love, he won't. I'm sure about that."

"Please, just let me do this. Please?"

"Okay. Fine. But can you be here in an hour?"

"I'll be there in 30 minutes. I'm on my way."

"What? You're driving now?!?!?!"

"Yes." Richard said with a trace of smile on his face.

"You're driving and you're on the phone. Mr. Faulkerson, put that phone down now! Focus on your driving!" She scolded him.

"Love, relax. You're on speaker."

"Even though. Please be safe. Eyes on the road. Focus on your driving. I'll see you in a while, okay?"

"Okay, Love. I'll see you in 15 minutes."

"Hey, don't drive too fast. Please, just come here safely."

"Okay, okay, okay. I'll see you in a few. Love you!"

"Love you too!"


Richard and Maine arrived in the hospital. Richard then parked her car and walk to the other side to open the door for Maine. He then held her hand and they started to walk towards the elevators.

"You will really talk to him?" Maine asked.

"Yes. I just wanted to be sure." Richard replied.

"I told you, he will not do anything to me. You don't have to be jealous."

"I'm not jealous. I just don't trust him. That's all."

"Love, I assure you. He's not into something. It's just that he really needs my help."

"There are a lot of doctors here in this hospital. Why does it specifically needs to be you?"

"Well, aside from me being the best doctor here," she said lightly.

"I know that. But, why can't he pick other doctor for a consult?"

"Love, that's a classified information."


"Love, we do have this code called Doctor – Patient confidentiality."

"Fine. Fine. Fine. But I just want to talk to him and warn him."

"Will that give you peace?"

"Yes. I just wanted to let him know that, he can't do anything to get you back."

"Love, I'm all yours. No one can take me away from you." She said and kissed him lightly on the lips.

At the same instance, the elevator opened and Miggy was standing on the other side of the elevator's door. Richard immediately saw this and kissed Maine again. He then gave Miggy a smirk as they step out of the elevator.

"Miggy, you're here early." Maine said.

"Hi Maine. Yes, I was actually looking for you." Miggy said with a sad look on his face.

"Is it time?" Maine asked.

"Yes. Room 316."

"Okay, we can go there now." Maine said. She then turned to Richard and said, "Love, we need to go now."

Richard then turned to Miggy and said, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sorry, but now is not a good time." Miggy answered. He then turned to Maine and said, "Let's go?"

"Okay." Maine then turned to Richard and said, "Love, will you be okay if Miggy and I will go ahead?"

"Maine, wait." Richard started to say and then addressed Miggy again, "I want to talk to you now. This will not take a lot of time."

"Is it a matter of life and death?" Miggy said with a hint of irritation on his voice already evident. "Coz if it's not, then let's just talk later. We really need to go." Miggy then turned to leave. "Maine, let's go."

"Love, we really need to go." Maine said as she hold Richard's hand as it is now clenched.

Richard was about to speak when there was an announcement on the PA system.

"Code Blue! Code Blue! Room 316." Then another announcement, "Paging Doctor Alfonso... Paging Doctor Alfonso.... Room 316."

Before Maine or Richard can further react, Miggy was already running down the hall towards Room 316. Maine immediately run after Miggy, with Richard following closely behind. When they entered the room, there are three doctors trying to revive the patient on the bed. Miggy is standing on one side trying to restrain a woman who is crying.

Maine immediately looked at the monitor and wherein a curve is rapidly flattening out. There were two quick heartbeats followed by ventricular fibrillation. This put her into action and immediately joined in the action.

"Shock her!" Maine snapped. She quickly attached the electric pad to the small body and turned on the machine. The body heaved up once and then fell.

"Charge it to 150!" Maine barked to the nurse.

"Charge to 150!" the nurse shouted.

"Clear?" Maine shouted back.

"Clear!" the nurse and other doctors answered.

Maine shocked the body and then again, turned to the monitor. The line was still flat. "Charge to 200!"

"200!" the nurse answered.



She then shocked the body on the bed. "Come on, come on. You can make it."


Hello Everyone,

Now, who's that patient?

So what do you think will happen?

Let me know your thoughts.



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