Chapter 59

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It was one of those bright blue days when the sun warmed whatever it touched. Maine awoke from a deep sleep. Groggy with unfinished dreams, and rolled over, unwilling to relinquish them. She opened her eyes, and realized something. "I'm getting married today!" she exclaimed with such giddiness.

Maine immediately sat on top of her bed and prayed. "Lord, thank you for this wonderful day. Everything that will happen today, I will lift them up to you. Thank you for giving me Richard. Please always watch over us."

She then turned to her side table and saw her parent's picture. She took it and held it close to her heart, "Good Morning Mom, Dad." She then smiled and continued, "I'm getting married today." Maine tried to hold her lips from quivering as she again spoke, "I wish you're here to walk me down the aisle. I love you both." she then wiped her eyes as she shed some tears as she remember her parents. She then kissed the picture and hugged it tight.

At that exact moment, she heard a soft knock from the door, then it opened and a head then popped in. "Hello Darling! Good Morning!" and elder lady walked in and sat next to her.

"Good Morning Grans!" Maine greeted the old lady. She then hugged her.

The old lady then kissed the top of Maine's head and returned her tight hug. "Are you ready for today?"

She then nodded her head and said, "So ready!"

Her grandmother look into the picture beside Maine and said, "I just wish that they are here as well. I'm sure they will be very proud of you."

Maine couldn't contain her tears anymore. She sniffed and tried to wipe her tears before it falls her cheeks.

"Hey, don't cry." Her grandmother then wiped her tears away. "Where ever they are, I'm sure they're watching over you and smiling right now."

Maine then nodded and said, "Thank you Grans! I love you! You and grandpa."

"We love you too!" her grandfather said from the door. He then walked towards the two ladies sitting at the bed and engulfed them both into a bear hug.

"Now, enough of that. We don't want the bride to have puffy eyes on her wedding day, right?" her grandpa said.

"I agree. Now, let's all have breakfast together before the hustle and bustle of this day swamp us." Grans said.

"Okay. I will just change clothes and I will follow you to the lobby." Maine said.

"Good. We'll see you in a while." Grandma said and she then give her another kiss on the cheeks before leaving the room.


Richard is now busy preparing for his big day. He woke up early and was very active the whole morning. He was about to step out of their hotel suite when he heard his father called him.

"Richard! Son, good morning!" Richard Sr. greeting him.

He turned around and faced his father then responded, "Good morning Dad!"

"Where are you going?" Rose said from out of nowhere.

"Mom?" Richard said. He looked past his father and saw his mother walking towards them.

"Where do you think you're going young man?" Rose asked again.

"To Maine's room of course." Richard said proudly.

"What?!? You can't go there." Rose immediately stopped him.

"Why?" Richard asked puzzled.

"Well, there's this superstition that the bride and groom cannot see each other before the ceremony."

"Oh, come on Mom. Don't tell me you believe in those superstitions." Richard answered with a look of amusement on his face.

"I don't actually. But it doesn't hurt to at least follow it right. There's no harm in just following it."

"Your mother's right Son. It's better to just obey it. It's better to be cautious." Ricard Sr. said. "Besides, just a few more hours and you will see her again."


"No buts, young man. Just go back to your room and try to relax." Rose said with finality.

"Fine. I will just call her." Richard then shrugged as he walks back to his room. "Oh, where's Sebastian by the way?"

"He's with Maine's grandparents. They went here earlier and fetched him. They said they wanted to spend some time with him before they start preparing. And also, they said that Maine wanted to see him as well."

"What? Then why is Sebastian allowed to see Maine and I'm not?"

"Is Sebastian the one who will marry Maine?" Rose pointed out.

Richard Sr. tried to suppress his laugh because it was evident that his son was trying to think of a way to go around his mother but it was no use. So, he finally said, "Son, just listen to us this time. It's for the best."

"Okay, okay. I will just call her instead."

"You're not supposed to talk to her as well." Rose pointed out.

"Honey, just give this to your son. Look at him, he already look constipated because he can't go and see Maine. It seems like he haven't seen her for more than a decade. Just let him talk to her."

"Fine. As long as he won't go to Maine's suite." Rose said.

"I promise I won't go." Richard said with a huge smile on his face. And with that, he went back to his room and called his bride.


The rest of the day went by so fast. The two suites were filled with bustling of activities. Everyone was in frenzy to complete all the tasks assigned to them to ensure that this wedding is perfect. However, if you compare the two suites the groom's room is more chaotic. Richard wanted to finish all the pre-wedding pictorials already so that he can go to the church immediately. However, everyone else were telling him off. Well, it's still 2 hours before the actual ceremony. And so, he just gave in and waited impatiently on his suite.

Finally, the time of the wedding arrived. It was a very lovely and solemn ceremony. As Maine walked down the aisle, Richard can't help it and his tears are now starting to fall. His focus was only exclusive to the beautiful lady walking towards him. He felt like the luckiest man on earth as she comes nearer and nearer to him. When she finally stands in front of her, he realized that she's also crying. He then took his handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped the tears flowing from her face.

"Shhhh... don't cry my Love." Richard tried to say. "I love you!"

Maine just smiled and also reached out to wipe Richard's face. "I love you too!"

Richard then embraced Maine and was about to kiss her when they heard a voice.

"Uhhhmmmm! Son, the kiss the bride part comes only after the ceremony. Just save that one for later!" the priest said.

Richard's ears were all red because of embarrassment, while everyone who heard the priest's comment laugh out loud.


Hello Everyone,

So, finally I was able to update. One more chapter and we are done with this story.

I know, everyone is waiting for a wedding ceremony. But I opted not to have that anymore since most of the fanfics already have that part. ;)

Hopefully you enjoyed this story.

Thank you.


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