Chapter 14

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Maybe it's the weather, Maine thought wearily. It was cold and dreary outside. It's been raining the whole morning. Usually Maine loves the rain, it gives her peace, however today was different. Her day had begun at 6:00 AM, and it was filled with constant problems. The hospital seemed to be full of gomers, all complaining at once. The nurses were careless. They drew blood from the wrong patients, lost x-rays that were urgently need, and snapped at the patients. In addition, there was a staff shortage because of a flu epidemic. It was that kind of day.

The only bright spot was when Maine was approached by a man handling a bouquet of flowers. He said, it was a special delivery, but there was no card to indicate to whom it came from. But then she already knew, and this put on a smile on her face. Just after Maine signed the delivery slip and the delivery guy left, her phone rang.

"Hello," he greeted cheerily. "Just thought I'd check in to see how all our patients are doing." It was Richard who was on the other line.

"They're surviving," she replied. "Thank you for the flowers."

"Flowers? What flowers?" he innocently asked.

"Hahaha... Well, I thought it was you who sent these lovely flowers," she trailed off. "I guess, I do have a secret admirer. I wonder who sent this?" she was teasing him. "I hope he reveal himself. He made my day. Maybe I can return the favor..."

"Hey. No fair." He said somehow jealous.

"Whahahaha.... I guess it back fire on you." She said.

Richard said defeated, "You got me there."

"Well, I just call to ask, any chance of us having lunch?"

Maine laughed. "What's lunch? If I'm lucky, I'll be able to grab a stale sandwich about 4:00 this afternoon. It's pretty toxic around here."

"Oh. All right. I won't keep you then. May I call you again?"

"All right." No harm in that.


Maine worked until midnight without a moment to rest, and when she was finally relieved, she was almost too tired to move. She briefly debated between staying at the hospital to sleep on the cot in the on-call room, but the thought of her warm, cozy bed at home was too tempting.

She changed clothes and lurched her way to the elevator.

Dr. Ejercito came up to her, "My God!" he said. "Where's the cat that dragged you in?"

Maine smiled wearily. "I do look that bad, huh?"

"Worse." Ejercito grinned. "You're going home now?" Maine nodded.

"You're lucky. I'm just starting."

The elevator arrived. Maine stood there half asleep.

Ejercito said gently, "Maine?"

She shook herself awake. "Yes?"

"Are you going to be able to drive home?"

"Sure," Maine mumbled. "And when I get there, I'm going to sleep for twenty-four hours straight."

"She walked to the parking lot and got into her car. She sat there drained, too tired to turn on the ignition. I mustn't sleep here. I'll sleep at home. She thought.

Richard on the other hand can't wait to see Maine again. So he sat on the back of his car and waited patiently for Maine to appear from the elevator. When the elevator opened he immediately spotted Maine walking like a drunk one to her car. He immediately know that she was dead tired to drive. He told his driver to wait for him as he goes down and went to Maine. When he saw that Maine was seated at the driver's seat, too tired to drive, he immediately transferred and carried Maine to the passenger's seat of her car. He decided to drive her home. Then then signaled his driver to follow him to Maine's house.

When they arrived in front of Maine's house, Richard gently wakes up Maine.

"Maine, were here in front of you house. Do you want me to bring you inside?"


Richard then decided to again carry her from her car to her house. His driver helped him to retrieve her key from Maine's bag so that they can open the front door. When the door opened, they saw that Valeen was coming out from the kitchen. He was shocked to see two men inside their door.

"Who are you?" Valeen asked in panic.

"Hi! I'm Richard Faulkerson." Richard said, "I just brought Maine home."

"What have you done to her?" Valeen sounding scared.

"Nothing. I promise. I didn't do anything to her. I saw her at her car at the hospital lobby dozing off. So I decided to drive her home."

"Oh. What's your name again?'

"Richard Faulkerson. I'm a friend of Maine."

"Ah... Now I know who you are." She said. Valeen remembered that he was the same guy who brought Maine home from the other night after her date.

"Well, will it be alright if I bring her now to her room?" He asked smiling.

"Yeah of course." She replied. "You do know her room right."

"Yup. So excuse me for a while." He said.

"It's alright. Please close the door when you get out." Valeen said and she went back to her room.

Richard then headed to the other door for Maine's room. Once inside, he lay her on the bed, removed her shoes and tucked her in. He gently kissed her forehead and turned to leave. But before he left, he saw some posts it pad on her table and a pen. He immediately took and wrote on it and posted it on the full length mirror in her room. Afterwards, he again looked at her and left her to sleep.

After 16 hours, Maine woke up feeling refreshed. She then looked around her. She does know where she is, but has no recollection on how she got there. She then decided to get out of bed as she heard her stomach growl. She's now famished. Went to her bathroom and took a bath. Afterwards she faces her mirror and that's when she saw the note.

    "Good Morning Beautiful! (or should I say afternoon) Hope you had a wonderful sleep!"

Even though the note was unsigned she already had an inkling as to whom it came from. Her guess was confirmed when she went out her room.

Valeen was sitting on the couch watching TV when she turned to Maine's direction.

"Well, hello there 'Sleeping Beauty!" Valeen greeted with a smile. "How was your long nap?!"

"Hahaha... It was soooo goooooddd. I feel all refreshed." Maine said with a smile.

"Well, do you know how you got home last night?"

"Actually, I have no idea. I was so tired. All I remember was, I was sitting in my car and was about to go home." Maine said. "But, I have something on my mind."

"Wahahaha... Well, you're prince charming did rescue you..." she said.

"So, he brought me home?" Maine said with a sweet smile.

"Uhhhuh. He was carrying you as you were out cold."

"I can't even remember seeing him last night." She said. "Well, I'm hungry, I'm planning to call for delivery. What do you want?"

"You don't need to order, your prince charming went here early this afternoon and brought you food. He said he knows you'll be hungry when you wake up."

"Really?!?" she asked really surprised.

"Yes. It's in the kitchen. I didn't kept it in the fridge so that you won't have to heat it anymore."

"Yehey. Thank you!"

"You should thank him. This guy must really like you to go out his way to bring you food." Valeen pointed out.

Maine just smiled and headed to the kitchen. "We're just friends, you know."

"If you say so." Valeen commented.

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