Chapter 22

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After 1 hour, Richard knocked on Maine's room. "Maine, dinner's ready. Come on, let's eat." However, Maine didn't answer. So, Richard again, knocked. When Maine still didn't answer, he opened the door and his eyes immediately searched for Maine. He then saw her on the bed covered with the blanket and seems to be sleeping. As Richard approaches he sees that Maine was holding the blanket tightly to her body and her face is all flushed with red. Richard immediately placed his hand on her forehead to feel her temperate. He was right that Maine is again having fever.

This galvanized him to action immediately. He went to the kitchen and prepared hot lukewarm water to give her a sponge bath. Also, he prepared dinner and placed it on a tray so she can feed Maine before she takes her medicine. Once he prepared everything, he went back to Maine's room and tend to her. He feed her and made her drink her medicine and then gave him a sponge bath. Afterwards, he went outside and had his dinner and cleaned the kitchen. He then went back to Maine's room to check on her. When he checked everything, he was about to stand up from the bed and was about to go out the room when Maine pulled his hand.

"Thank you." She said weakly.

"Shhhh. Don't talk anymore. Just get some rest. No more going out for you until you really get better okay?" he said with a smile.

Maine nodded and said, "Please stay beside me." She then moved aside to give Richard some room to lie on the bed. "Please?" she again repeated.

Richard then gave in to Maine's request so he also settled down on the bed and made himself comfortable. Once he was all settled, Richard stretched his left hand. Maine moved her head and placed it on Richard's shoulder. She then reached for Richard's left and placed it on her shoulders. Then she snuggled close to Richard's body and placed her right arm on his waist. She snuggled more closely to him as she's still feeling cold. Richard in return hugged her to keep her more warm.

"Thank you RJ. Please don't leave me." She murmured and was sound asleep after that.

Richard then kissed Maine's forehead and replied. "You're welcome. Just rest for tonight. I'll just be here beside you. I promise."

After some time, Richard also fell asleep. They both had a good night sleep as they cuddled up until the following day.

It was Richard who woke up first the following day. Maine is still lying her side facing him. He then immediately felt her forehead to check if her fever had broken and indeed it did. She was still asleep, and was so comfortable with her head placed on the crook of Richard's neck. Richard slightly move and kissed Maine's forehead. Then ever so slowly, he tried to disentangle his body from Maine's embrace. When was successfully extracted himself from Maine's embrace, he slowly placed a pillow in exchange of his position. When he looked at Maine and saw that she's still sleeping soundly, he then proceeded to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. His phone then did ring while he was preparing the food he cooked.

"Hello? Mom? Is there a problem?" he immediately asked.

"Good Morning to you too son. No there's no problem." Rose said on the other line.

"Sorry, Good Morning Mom. Why are you calling this early?"

"Early, it's already 9AM Richard. Well, I just call to check on Maine." Rose stated.

"Wow, now you're checking on Maine only?"

"Oh, you're a big boy now. You can very well take care of yourself." She said pointedly.

"Now, really? Well, just so you know she again had fever last night. I believe she got too tired from all the activities she did yesterday. I wonder who's the culprit?" Richard said.

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