Chapter 45

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"Ladies, I would like to you meet, Dr. Miguel Alfonso." Dr. De Leon said. "He previously worked with World Health Organization (WHO). He's been to different third world countries. He's been helping around the globe for quite some time now."

"Well..." Dr. De Leon said as he looks from both ladies to Miggy. "I think you both are overwhelmed with what he has done." He said with a chuckle.

"Ummmm" Valeen was first to speak.

Miggy on the other hand immediately extended his Hand and said, "Nice meeting you doctors. I'm Dr. Miguel Alfonso. But you can call me Miggy." He finished with a smile.

"Hello!" Valeen greeted back with a fake smile. "Not so nice meeting you." She mumbled to herself and for Maine to hear only. She then reached for Miggy's hand to shake it. "I'm Dr. Valeen Montenegro. I specialize with General Surgery and head of the said department as well."

"Hi Dr. Montenegro. Can I call you Valeen?" he responded.

"No!" she said too loudly which got some quizzical look from Dr. De Leon. "No, I mean. I prefer to be called Dr. Montenegro. Only my close friends are allowed to call me by my name."

"Oh. Well, maybe we can be friends." Miggy said.

"I doubt it. Maybe in a million years." She replied back.

"Excuse me? What did you said?" Miggy asked again.

"I mean. I'm not sure. My fiancée is too jealous of men I work with." Then she continued, "This is Dr. Maine Mendoza as well. She's the head of the Pediatric Department."

Then she added." And her boyfriend is also a jealous type, so we might not be able to hang out with you." Valeen finished.

Maine on the other hand was still shocked to see Miggy standing in front of her. She was just listening to the interaction between Valeen and Miggy.

"Well, yeah, Miggy I forgot to inform you. Dr. Mendoza here is the girlfriend of my nephew Richard. Also, his parents are one of the controlling board of directors of this hospital." He said as he tap Miggy's shoulder.

"So you know, Dr. Montenegro and Dr. Mendoza are off limits to you." He said in a joking tone. "Hahahaha.... What Dr. Montenegro said was true. Their boyfriends are the jealous type. Especially my nephew. But I'm sure these two beautiful doctors doesn't give their boyfriends reasons to be jealous so I'm sure everything will be alright." He finished with a huge smile.

"Of course. I wouldn't want to get into trouble on my new job." Miggy said with a smile.

"That's nice to hear." Dr. De Leon said.

Maine now was able to get over her shock so she spoke. "So, Dr. De Leon, why are you looking for both me and Valeen? Is there anything we can do for you?"

"Right, right. Well, I just wanted to let you know that given that Dr. Alfonso here have specialization both on general medicine as well as pediatrics, he will be working both under your departments. He will for sure be a great addition to your team."

"What?" both women said at exactly the same time.

"Yes! Isn't this what you ladies had been asking me before? You were asking me to hire more doctors for your department. Well, I'm still on the process of hiring three more doctors. But until that time, Dr. Alfonso will be of great help to you both." Dr. De Leon finished.

Both women cannot say anything else so they just nodded.

"That's good. Now, Dr. Alfonso here will officially be starting tomorrow. Please help him adjust here." Dr. De Leon asked them.

"Yeah, sure. No problem Sir." Maine responded as she smiles to Dr. De Leon. But when she turned to look at Miggy, that smile immediately vanished.

"Well, Sir. We wanted to stay and chat but we need to go back to work." Maine said afterwards.

"Of course, of course. Go ahead ladies." Dr. De Leon said.

With that both Maine and Valeen turned to go.


"OMG!!! What is he doing here?" Valeen said as soon as they were out of earshot.

"You heard what Dr. De Leon said. He's working here now." Maine said while she's already deep in her thoughts.

"I know. But why? I think he spells trouble."

"I hope not. For the sake of my sanity as well as for Richard's." Maine said distractedly.

"So, will you tell Richard about this one?" Valeen asked.

"Of course. He has every right to know this. And I don't want this to go between us." Maine replied immediately.

"Yes, I agree. But you know that your boyfriend is a very jealous type of a man." Valeen pointed out.

"Yes, I know. But that's what I love about him so much. And he doesn't have anything to be jealous about. And I'm not planning to give him any reasons to." Maine replied.

"Of course I know that. But, what about Miggy? He's here for a reason. And we both know it's not about work." Valeen said.

Maine let out a loud sigh. "I don't know. I really don't know. All I know is I wanted to talk to Richard now and just hug him. He knows what to do." Maine said longingly.

"Hey, are you alright?" Valeen asked. "Maybe you should also take a half day instead." Valeen suggested.

"No. I mean I wanted to. But I have a lot of work today." Maine answered. "I will just call Richard now."

"Yeah. Do that. That will surely make you feel better." Valeen said.

Maine immediately reached for her phone and dialed Richard's number. However, the call immediately went straight to his voice mailbox. Maine just cancelled the call altogether.

"What happened?" Valeen asked.

"I forgot that he's on-site today. And he won't be able to answer his phone coz he's with clients all day." Maine said exasperatedly.

"Oh. Well, you can still try to call him."

"No. there's no need. I'll just send him a text message." Maine said.

"Okay. Maine, I know this is all too much for you. Just remember that I'm here okay?"

"Of course. Don't worry about me. You're supposed to be the one who should be careful. Remember your condition." Maine pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know." Valeen said.

"Well, I see you later at home." Maine said.

"Okay. See you later." Valeen said as she walks to the opposite direaction.

Before, Maine turns to the corner Valeen called her again, "Maine! Smile, you can handle this!" she shouted.

"Hahaha... Yes. You too!!!" Maine answered back with a smile.

And off they went to different directions.


Hello Everyone,

Please try to catch my new story, entitled Laws of Attraction.

I have published the first chapter.

Thank you.


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