Chapter 38

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At around 11:30 AM, Richard and Sebastian arrived at their house. Sebastian immediately went out of the car and run inside the house. He immediately run to his grandparents to greet them. Richard just walk slowly as he enters their house.

When he entered the living room, he didn't saw Sebastian. He thought that his son immediately went to his room to play. He then first approached his mother to kiss her then to his father.

"Dad, you wanted to talk to me?" he asked. He was not aware that there is another person on the room sitting on one of the over-sized chairs. He was about to sit when he heard Sebastian.

"I missed you Mommy Maine." Richard immediately turned to look at his left side as he saw Sebastian hugging Maine. Richard was really shocked as he was not expecting to see Maine. His face was a boarder line between the look of comical and incredulous. He was halfway from sitting down but the deed was forgotten already.

"Daddy, Mommy Maine is here." Sebastian said with delight. The child then turned to Maine and said, "Mommy Maine, will you be staying with us the rest of day?"

Maine didn't know what to answer. She was just looking at Richard and gauging on whether she will stay or not. But her resolve tells her to stay. She needs to talk to Richard at all cost even if it was evident that Richard doesn't want to talk let alone see her.

When Maine didn't immediately answered, Sebastian then turned again to his father and ask, "Daddy, can you please ask Mommy Maine to stay with us today? I want to play with her, please, please, please." The child begged his father.

Richard was still somehow shocked but was able to answer his son, "Sebastian, baby. I don't think your Mommy Maine can stay all day. Remember what I said to you last night?"

"That's she's probably busy at the hospital. But Dad, she told me this morning that she's not busy." Sebastian then turned to Maine and said, "Didn't you Mommy Maine. You said that you're not busy?"

"Yes, Sebastian. I'm not." Maine answered.

"So you can stay and play with me the whole day?" Sebastian asked Maine with hopeful eyes.

"Yes, if your Daddy permits it." Maine answered with a slight smile towards Sebastian. Maine thought that she needs to really talk to Richard whatever it takes. If she needs to somehow maneuver that chance thru Sebastian then that's the chance she will take advantage.

"That's non-sense. Of course you can stay, Darling." Rose answered for his son. "Why won't Richard want that?" she asked as she turned to his son.

"Rose, Sweetheart, Richard didn't say that he doesn't want that. Why do you think I invited Maine for lunch?" Richard Sr. asked his wife but was looking at his son meaningfully.

"Well, I think lunch is now ready. Let's go and eat." Rose said.

Richard Sr., Rose and Sebastian immediately stood up and went to the dining area. Richard was about to follow his family when he heard Maine called him.

"Richard, can we please talk?" Maine quietly said.

Richard didn't respond but just nodded and walk towards the library. Maine followed Richard closely. When they were inside the library, Richard asked Maine to sit down, while he walked towards the opposite side of the room.

Without preamble Richard asked, "Why are you here, Maine?"

Maine didn't know what to say. She wanted to say a lot of things but it seems like she cut her tongue.

"What do you want?" Richard again asked in a slightly raised voice. "Why do you still have to come here?"

"Richard, please listen to me." Maine began.

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