Chapter 36

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At around 8 in the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Richards were having coffee in the living room when their butler announced that they have a visitor. They then said to invite the visitor in.

Maine, then walked towards the living room. When she entered the room, she immediately greeted both Richard's parents.

"Hi, Tito, Tita. Good Evening." Maine first approached Richard's mother and kissed her and then turned to Richard's father to do the same.

"Hi Iha. Please seat down." Richard's mom said. "It's nice of you to visit us."

"Sorry to come here at this hour. I know it's already late and you might be tired an all." Maine said.

"Of course not. We have all the time in the world for you." Richard's dad answered with a smile similar to Richard's. "Well to what do we owe this visit?"

"I'm I was just hoping to catch on Richard. I haven't heard from him the whole day. Also, I miss Sebastian." Maine said with a smile. It's true, she does miss Sebastian as well. She's not used to not hearing Sebastian at least once a day. She's always able to talk to Sebastian after Richard adopted him.

"Oh. Richard and Sebastian is not here." Mrs. Richards said.

"N-not here? Did they went out?" Maine asked. She thought that Richard is sick.

"Well, Richard took Sebastian to a trip. He said that they will drive to the coast for the weekend. He said that he wanted to bond with Sebastian."

"Ah. O-okay." Maine said. "Maybe that's why he's not answering my messages."

"Yeah, maybe he doesn't want to disturb you. He said that you're very busy in the hospital."

Maine was taken aback with what her Tita Rose said. "Ye-yes Tita. I was quite busy." Maine answered but it was evident that her smile now is not reaching her eyes.

Mr. Richards was just observing the conversation between his wife and the woman in front of her. He knows that there is something that Maine is not telling them. And based on how Richard acted earlier, he knows that Richard is running away from something or someone.

"Maine, darling. Once Richard calls tomorrow, I will tell him that you came by tonight." Rose said.

"No, no, Tita." Maine replied too quickly. When she saw the reaction of Richard's mother, she immediately added, "I mean, there's no need to do that. I'll just try again to call him tonight. I'm sure I will be able to get in touch with him tonight."

"Well, you're right. Richard can't sleep until he hears your voice. I heard him say that to Sebastian last week. He may not admit it to me, but we both know that he's smitten by you." Rose said conspiringly.

"Well, same with me Tita. I just wish I will be able to talk to him tonight." Maine replied with a tone of sadness on her voice. "Well, I will get going then, Tita, Tito. It's getting pretty late."

"Oh. Don't you want to stay longer? Have you eaten already?" Rose asked.

Before Maine can refuse the offer, Richard Sr. spoke, "Honey, it's already late. I'm sure that Maine already ate." He look at Maine and smiled. "Besides, Maine seems too tired already. She needs to rest as well."

"Yeah, you're right. Well, Maine. Please visit us back soon. Or maybe we can again go out. Just the two of us." Rose said.

"Sure, Tita. I will try to free up my schedule and let you know." Maine said with a small smile.

"Oh, that will be wonderful. I'll see you soon." Rose said.

"Bye Tita, Tito." Maine said.

As she turns around, she heard Richard Sr. spoke. "Honey, I will just bring Maine to the door. Go ahead upstairs and rest. I will follow you soon."

"Okay." Rose said.

Richard Sr. immediately stood up and was already standing behind Maine in no time. "Let's go Maine. I'll walk you to your car."

Even though Maine wanted to argue, she can't bring herself to it. She just nodded and started towards the door. When they reached Maine's car, she then turned to Richard's father and said, "Thank you Tito."

"Maine, are you alright?"

Maine was nodded. Then she looked at him and said, "Yes, I guess so."

"Are you really alright? Are you and Richard okay?" he asked with a lot of concern on his voice.

"I'm sorry Tito. I didn't mean to hurt him." Maine said with tears now brimming in her eyes.

"Hey. Don't worry, everything will be alright. Whatever is going on between you two right now, I'm sure that you two can fix it." Richard Sr. said trying to assure Maine.

"I don't know Tito. I might have pushed away Richard too much."

"My son loves you. He might be mad right now, but I'm sure once he slept on it he will come around."

"No, Tito. Everything is my fault. All Richard did was love me and be patient with me. I am the one who didn't see all his efforts." Maine is now crying.

"Maine, I may not know what's really happening here but I know that the two of you are not okay at the moment. Richard is not like that, doing impromptu trips. You know, before you came, he's all work. He doesn't even take a break. But then when you came, he started living. He found his purpose. And when he adopted Sebastian, I know that you were a big factor why he did that. I may be old, but I do know my son. He loves you so much. Whatever is it going on now, I'm sure you two can surpass it." Richard Sr. said.

"I do hope so Tito. I hope I'm not yet too late. I don't want to lose him." Maine admitted openly to Richard's father.

"I'm sure he feels the same way. Just trust him. He'll come around." Richard Sr. said.

"I hope so Tito. I hope so. I'll do anything to have him back."

This statement put a smile on his face. "Well, just go home for now and rest. I know you already had a long day."

"Yes, Tito. I just wish everything will turn out fine in the end."

"It will. I assure you. Now, drive carefully okay?" Richard Sr. said as he opens the door for Maine.

"I will Tito. Thank you." Maine said as he hug him before getting inside her car. "I promise Tito. I will do everything I can to fix this. Even if I have to beg him."

"I'm sure it won't resort to that. Remember this, my son loves you so much. He always wants you to be happy. Even if it means he be hurt in the process. So, I'm more than sure that he can't take it if you will beg." Richard Sr. smiled.

"I love him as well. I may not have said it to him yet, but I want you to know that I also love your son." Maine said with a small smile.

"I know. You two are meant to be together. That I'm sure about. Now, just go home and rest. Okay?"

"Yes Tito. Again, thank you very much."

"You're welcome. I'll see you soon."

"Bye Tito. I'll see you soon." And with that Maine drove off.

She wish that she finds Richard soon. He needs to listen to her and make him understand how she feels. She had to, whatever it takes to make her listen. She just hope she's not yet too late.

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