Chapter 33

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After about 10 minutes, Maine finally went back to the living room. She found Miggy, standing by the window looking outside.

"Miggy?" Maine said. "Why are you here?"

Miggy turned to look at her and said, "I've left Julie."

The words were a shock.

Miggy moved closer to her. "I made a big mistake, Maine. I never should have let you go. Never."


"I've missed you, Maine," Miggy said. "Have you missed me?"

No. I just follow strangers on the street and call them Miggy for about a year. Maine wanted to say but just kept quiet instead.

"I know you do. We belong together, you know. We always have."

Have we? Is that why you married Julie? Do you think you can walk in and out of my life at any time you please? She thought.

Miggy was standing close to her, "Haven't we?"

Maine looked at him and said, "I don't know." It was all too sudden.

Miggy took her hand in his. "Of course you do."

"What happened with Julie?"

Miggy shrugged. "Julie was a mistake. I kept thinking about you and all the great times we had. We were always good for each other."

She was watching him, wary, guarded. "Miggy..."

"I'm here to stay, Maine. When I say here, I don't exactly mean that. We're going to New York."

"New York?"

"Yes. I'll tell you about it. I could use a cup of coffee."

"Of course. I'll make a fresh pot. It will just take a few minutes." Glad for the opportunity to put some distance between them.

Miggy followed her into the kitchen, where Maine began to prepare the coffee. She was trying to get her thoughts in order. She thought she wanted Miggy back so desperately, and now that he was here, he doesn't feel happy at all.

Miggy was saying, "I've learned a lot in the last few years, Maine." He then looked at Maine and continued, "I've grown up."


"Yes. You know I've been working with WHO all these years."

"I know."

"Those countries haven't change any since we were kids. In fact, some of them are worse. There's more disease down there, more poverty."

"But you were there helping." Maine said.

"Yes, and I suddenly woke up."

"Woke up?" Maine turned around to face him.

"I realized I was throwing my life away. I was down there, living in misery, working twenty-four hours a day, helping those ignorant savages, when I could have been making a bundle of money over here."

Maine was listening in disbelief.

"I met a doctor who has a practice on Park Avenue in New York. Do you know how much money he makes a year? Over five hundred thousand dollars!" he said. "Did you hear me? Five Hundred thousand a year!"

Maine was staring at him.

"I said to myself, where has that kind of money has been all my life?" Miggy said.

Maine just kept quiet.

"He offered me a position as an associate." Miggy said proudly, "and I'm going in with him. That's why you and I are going to New York."

Maine stood there, numbed by what she was hearing.

"I'll be able to afford a penthouse apartment for us, and to get you pretty dresses, and all the things I've always promised you." He was grinning. "Well, are you surprised?"

Maine's mouth was dry. I... I don't know what to say, Miggy."

He laughed. "Of course you don't. Five hundred thousand dollars a year is enough to make anyone speechless."

"I wasn't thinking of the money," Maine said slowly.


She was studying him, as though seeing him for the first time.

"Miggy, when you were working for WHO, didn't you feel you were helping people?" Maine asked.

He shrugged. "Nothing can help those people. And who the hell really cares?  Would you believe that Julie wanted me to stay down there in Bangladesh? I told her no way, so she went back." He took Maine's hand.

"So here I am... you're a little quiet. I guess you're overwhelmed by all this, huh?"

Maine thought of her father. He would have been a big success on Park Avenue, but he wasn't interested in money. His only interest was in helping people.  She also remembered Richard and all the things he did, everything he did for others ---- her patients, to Sebastian. They are totally different.

"I've already divorced Julie, so we can get married right away."

He patted her head. "What do you think of the idea of living in New York?"

Maine took a deep breath. "Miggy..."

There was an expectant smile on his face. "Yes?"

"Get out."

The smile slowly faded. "What?"

Maine rose. "I want you to get out of here."

He was confused. "Where do you want me to go?"

"I won't tell you," Maine said. "I will hurt your feelings."

After Miggy had gone, Maine sat lost in thought. Valeen had been right. She had been clinging to a ghost. Helping those ignorant savages, when I could have been making a bundle over here... Five Hundred thousand a year!

And that's what I've been hanging on to, Maine thought wonderingly.

She should have felt depressed, but instead she was filled with a feeling of elation. She suddenly felt free. She knew what she wanted.

She walked over to where she placed her cellphone and dialed Richard's number.

Maine waited patiently as she heard three rings. After that, she heard a click. She was about to speak when she heard, Richard's recorded voice.

"Hi, this is Richard. I can't talk to you right now. Please leave me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can."

Maine cancelled the call and tried to dial the same number and was directed to Richard's voice mailbox again. She then sent her a text message, asking if she can call him. She waited for Richard's response but nothing came.

She then remembered how Richard looked before he left and remembered what he said to her before leaving. "I understand. At least now I know where I stand. I know when I'm not wanted. Good bye Maine. I wish you will be happy with him."

A harsh reality fell on to her. She hurt Richard. The elation that she felt earlier was replaced by fear with the thought of losing Richard in her life. She didn't realized that she's already sobbing with that thought.


Hi Again!

As promised, here's my Christmas gift to all of you. "Merry Christmas Everyone!"

There you go. Maine had now realized what she feels towards Richard all along. Let's wait and see what will happen next.

To all those who opted to stay, thank you. Thank you for your patience with this story. :)

Hopefully, you won't get tired of waiting on what will happen next.

Again, thank you very much.



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