Chapter 23

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Maine went back to work that following week. It took her three whole days to catch up to her works. On those 3 days, Richard continuously send her flowers, food and text messages. These sweet gestures always puts a smile on Maine's face and of course it brightens her day.

On the fourth day, Maine was called to Dr. De Leon's office. When she entered she was welcomed by the hospital's administration.

"Welcome back Dr. Mendoza." Dr. De Leon said.

"Thank you Sir." Maine responded with a smile.

"Please seat down." Dr. De Leon gestured to Maine as he points to the chair in front of his table. "Well, how are you doing so far?" he continued once Maine settled down on the chair.

"Thank you. I'm alright. I was so busy since I came back as I try to catch up with the tons of work I have left since last week."

"I do hope you're not stretching yourself too much. We don't want you get sick again. Especially now..."

"Don't worry. I have recovered already. I can handle it. But what you mean especially now?"

"Do you remember the last conversation we had?"

"About the offer of leading the Pediatrics Department of this hospital?" Maine asked.

"No, no. I mean, the building we will be building." Dr. De Leon said.

"Oh. Of course. What about it?"

"Well, we will start the planning stage and we will need your input on it."

"Okay. So what help do you need from me?"

Before, Dr. De Leon can continue, the door opened and Richard walked in holding a bouquet of yellow and white tulips on one hand and two paper bags on the other.

"Good Morning! Sorry I'm late." Richard greeted both of the room's occupant with a smile.

"Good Morning RJ." Dr. De Leon replied.

Richard then walked towards the table where the two were seated and placed the paper bag on the table. He then turned to Maine with a huge smile. He bended down and kissed Maine on her cheeks and said, "Good Morning my Princess. How are you feeling so far?" He then handed the bouquet to Maine beaming with smile as he seats across her.

Maine was blushing due to the gesture that Richard did in front of the hospital's administrator. When she didn't immediately responded, Richard immediately reached out for her hand to hold. "Are you okay?" he then asked.

"Ye-yes. I'm okay. Good morning to you too." She replied shyly but is still smiling from ear to ear. "I'm okay. Thank you for these." She then simply bowed her head and simply smelled the flowers.

That simple movement didn't go unnoticed to both men but they were both too much of a gentleman to tease the lady doctor more. Richard and Maine were looking at each other smiling and seems like they were lost into their own world. The attraction between the two people in front of Dr. De Leon was very palpable and this also didn't go unnoticed to the hospital administrator.

"Uhhhmmmm." Dr. De Leon cleared his throat to get the attention of the two. When the two other looked at him, he then continued, "Well, what's in this one?" he pointed out on the paper bag that Richard earlier placed on his table.

"Well, I bought us some coffee and breakfast." Richard answered and immediately fished put the contents. He handed a coffee to Maine and a sandwich to go with it. "For you." He said with a smile.

"Thank you." Maine said with a smile as she took a sip of the coffee.

"You're welcome. Always welcome." Richard then answered.

"So, now that we all have a cup of coffee in our hands, can we now go down to business?" Dr. De Leon asked with a smile.

"Of course. Go ahead." Richard said while smiling at Maine.

"Good. Well, now that both of you are here, I wanted to ask you to start working together on the layout of the building that we will be constructing." He looked at the two and when no one spoke he continued. "As you know Richard, we already have the initial blueprint of for the construction. Now, what I wanted for you both is to start looking at where you will strategically place the different rooms for efficient service."

"Okay. I got it." Richard responded. He then turned to Maine and said, "So, let's go?"

Maine was caught off guard with Richard's question, "Huh, go where?"

"Out. Let's discuss it somewhere else." Richard replied with a teasing smile.

"Out? I just can't leave that instant. I have rounds in the afternoon and an operation later." Maine said.

"Okay. So, tomorrow then?" Richard asked again.

"Maybe, I can just give you a list of the needed rooms and then you can just work from it."

Richard seeing that this is his opportunity to spend more time with Maine didn't like what Maine suggested. "Nope. That won't work. We need to sit down together to discuss this." He said again with a smile.

Maine knowing that Richard wanted to spend time with her, just smiled and said, "Okay."


"Tomorrow. We can just discuss it tomorrow afternoon." She said with a smile.

"Yes." He said. "I mean, okay. I'll fetch you tomorrow for our meeting." He finished with a huge smile.

"Well, then that's settled. I'm looking forward to a good outcome." Dr. De Leon butt in.

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