Chapter 39

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After lunch, the whole Faulkerson family together with Maine proceeded to the patio. Richard for his part still cannot believe that Maine is now here with him and she's now his.

Richard sat beside Maine and was about to wrap his arms around Maine, but Sebastian squeezed between them and held Maine's hands and wrap it around him.

"Sebastian, what are you doing?" Richard said as he tried to make Sebastian sit on his other side so he himself can sit beside Maine.

"I want to sit beside Mommy Maine." Sebastian answered.

"But..." Richard began.

""Richard, just let your son sit between the two of you." Rose reprimanded her son.

"Well, he already sat beside Maine during lunch." Richard pointed out with a pout like a five year old.

"Richard..." Maine butt in as she tries to pacify Richard. "Just let Sebastian sit between us."

"Thank you Mommy Maine." Sebastian then said. "I love you."

Richard on the other hand was just pouting the whole time as he can't even sit beside his girlfriend and it seems like his mother is with conspiring with Sebastian.

Maine smiled at Sebastian, and answered. "I love you too, baby." She then kissed the child on his forehead. "But, why are you thanking me?"

"Because you came here to visit me." Sebastian readily answered with a sweet smile."

"Oh, of course Baby. I will always be available for you. Anytime." She answered.

"Really? Can we play today until dinner? And can you tuck me in to bed?" Sebastian asked. "Oh, oh, oh. Can you sleep here with me Mommy Maine?"

"Uhhhmmm...." Maine was thinking what to say.

"Don't worry Mommy Maine, my bed is big. We will fit in there." Sebastian pointed out.

"Uhhmmm, Baby. It's not that." Maine began. "You remember, I have a house and work?"

"Yes." Sebastian answered with a nod.

"Well, if I sleep beside you, then no one will stay at my house. My house will be sad." Maine said lamely.

"Oh, oh, oh, I have an idea. Why don't you just live here with us? We have a lot of rooms here." Sebastian enthusiastically answered. "Then, we can be always be together, we can always play."

"Uhhhmmm, baby that's not how it really works. I also do have work, remember?"

Sebastian's smile then vanished and was also now pouting. "So, Daddy's right. You will be busy again and will have no time for me?"

"Hey, I didn't say that." Richard immediately denied.

"Yes, you did. You said early this morning when I asked if we can visit her." Sebastian pointed out.

Richard is now turning red, as he can't even win an argument with his son. Upon seeing this, Maine came in to his rescue.

"Baby..." Maine began as she tries to get Sebastian's attention. "That's not what your Daddy means. He's just not aware of my schedule." She then turned to Richard and gave him a wink. "And do you remember the other kids that I take care?" When Sebastian nodded, she continued, "They need me right? We wanted them to get better, just like you."

"Do you understand that Baby?" Richard then asked.

"Yes, Dadddy." Sebastian then turned to Maine and said, "Sorry, Mommy Maine."

"Hey, why are you saying sorry?" Maine then asked.

"Because I'm being selfish, for wanting to be with you all the time." Sebastian sincerely answered.

"Oh, Baby. You're not selfish." Maine answered. "You're a sweet loving boy." She then kissed Sebastian's cheeks and continued, "You're the bravest, sweetest, most unselfish kid I know. I love you Baby."

"I love you too, Mommy Maine. I love you Daddy." Sebastian said as he hugged Maine.

"I love you three!" Richard added as he took the chance to enveloped both Sebastian and Maine into his arms.

Richard Sr. then took the chance to take out his phone to capture that hug episode between the three.

After the hugging, Richard spoke. "Baby, do you want to sleep?" He wanted to really be alone with Maine and he can't think of any other way to extract Maine from Sebastian's attention.

"No, Daddy. I want to play with Mommy Maine." Sebastian answered.

"But, baby remember you need to rest so that you will grow strong." Richard tried to reason out with his son.

"So that I will grow like you?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes, yes. Just like Daddy." Richard answered too fast.

"Okay Daddy. I will sleep."

Yes! Richard thought. But even before he can get Sebastian, the child spoke. "Mommy Maine, can you sleep with me this afternoon. Can you accompany me on my room?" he asked sweetly.

Upon hearing his son's request, Richard then again pouted. He tried to protest but Maine foretold him.

"Of course baby. Let's go?" Maine answered.

"Yehey." Sebastian then stand up and headed towards the stairs.

Maine on the other hand stood up as well and said to Richard, "I'll be back once he's asleep. She then gave Richard a light kiss on the lips before following Sebastian.

Richard was caught off-guard with the surprise kiss that he was unable to react immediately. He just stayed seated, sporting a goofy love-sick boy smile as he touches his lips.

Richard Sr. and Rose looked at each other smiling.

"Oh, my. My son is badly smitten." Richard Sr. said to his wife.

"I think I need to start looking for wedding dress." Rose added as she smiles at his husband.

"That you do." Richard Sr. answered.

Richard on the other hand didn't heard what his parents said as he was still smiling from ear to ear.


Hello Everyone,

Happy Valentines!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Hope you like my update. Sorry if matagal walang update. Life caught up with me...

So, the struggle is real for Richard. Wahahahaha... 😂😏🤣

Now, the million dollar question is....😅😅😅

How can he have Maine for himself?🤔🤔🤔

Let me know your thoughts guys.

Thank you.



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