Chapter 42

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"Hi Maine! Good Morning. Flowers for you." Miggy said with a wide smile.

"What are you doing here Miggy?" Maine asked while frowning.

"I'm here for you." Miggy said. "Flowers for you." Miggy then handed her the flowers.

"No thanks." Maine said. "Excuse me." She then proceeded to her car.

"Hey, Maine." He said, "Wait."

"What is it? I really need to go. I don't want to be late."

"I just wanted to talk to you." Miggy said.

"There's nothing to talk about." Maine said exasperatedly.

"You know that's not true. We have a lot to talk about."

"A lot? Like what?" Maine asked.

"About us." Miggy said with a smile.

"US? There's no "Us" anymore Miggy."

"Hey, don't say that." He said as he raised both of his hands like he's surrendering.

"Okay, okay. I know I behaved like a jerk the last time I was here. But you have to understand. I was jealous."

"Yes, you're right. You were a jerk and you're still being a jerk now."

"Maine, please listen first. Yes, I was a jerk. But I was like that because I was jealous." Miggy said.

"Jealous? What are you talking about? You have no right to be jealous." Maine said.

"Yes, I do." He started. "Imagine seeing my girlfriend with someone else." he stated with a matter-of-fact.

"Girlfriend? Are you serious?" Maine asked, her eyes getting big. She can't believe what she heard from Miggy.

"Yes, you're my girlfriend. We didn't officially broke up." Miggy answered.

"Excuse me. Are you crazy? You got married remember?" Maine tried to remind Miggy.

"But we didn't have any formal breakup. So technically you're still my girlfriend."

Both Miggy and Maine didn't realized that a car arrived and a man walked towards them.

The man quickly approached the two and immediately stood up beside Maine. He placed his arms around Maine's waist and spoke. "Good Morning Love!" He then kissed Maine lightly on the lips.

Maine immediately kissed Richard back and smiled while saying "Good Morning Love!"

"Are you ready to go?" Richard asked Maine.

"Yes, actually." Maine answered.

Richard was about to assist Maine towards his car when Miggy stopped them.

"Wait, Maine. What's the meaning of this? Who is he?" Miggy asked.

"Oh. Sorry. I'm Richard Faulkerson Jr." Richard answered as he extended his arm for a hand shake. Richard was smiling but the smile didn't reached his eyes.

"Miguel Alfonso." Miggy then reached out for Richard's hand and shook it. "What are you doing here?" he then asked Richard.

"I'm here to fetch my girlfriend." Richard confidently answered as he smiles at Maine.

"Girlfriend? Are you kidding me?" Miggy said. "Didn't I said before that you shouldn't go here anymore. You're bothering me and Maine."

Richard's face turned serious as he's been trying to hold himself off from punching this douchebag. Richard inhaled deeply and continued to say, "I believe I'm the one who's supposed to say that to you." Richard quietly. He now can't hide his irritation.

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