Chapter 55

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It's been half a year and little Ardee, Miggy's daughter is recovering fast. After undergoing surgery, she's been getting better and better. Maine is really happy with the progress of her patient. She's also very happy with Richard and Miggy's relationship, they are now friends. When she saw that Richard and Miggy was talking 6 months ago, she felt relieved. Knowing that the two have already settled their differences, it makes her life easier. She doesn't need to explain to Richard why she's always busy at the hospital. He's been very supportive of her, also to both Miggy and Julie. Her career and her personal life is doing very well. She might be tired sometimes, but Richard is always there to encourage her and make her happy every end of a long day. She can now say that she's contented with her life. Well, almost. For the past few weeks, she feels that there's something that's bothering Richard. She can feel it in his actions. She now thinks, is it the lack of intimacy between them that is bothering him? They've been together for almost a year. Not that they are not trying. Every time they are about to do it, something or someone disturbs them. Now she wonders, could it be that Richard is getting tired of her. But, then again, Richard always reassures her that he loves her. And that he's happy with her.

She's just hopes that whatever that is bothering Richard will soon be resolved.


Richard on the other hand is itching to bring their relationship into the next level. He wanted to settle down with Maine now and start his own family. However, he doesn't have any idea how to propose to her. He doesn't know what to do and where to start. So, one afternoon he invited both his father, Jerald and Miggy to lunch.

"Bro, what is this all about?" Jerald asked.

"Bro, I need your help." Richard answered.

"What is it son?"


"Come on mate. Tell us." Miggy said.

"Uhhhmmm... How will I start?" Richard muttered.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Jerald ask.

"Yes, yes. I'm perfectly fine." Richard answered. "It's about Maine."

"What about her?" Jerald asked.

'Are you two having problems?" Miggy asked.

"Son, what happened? Do you want me to talk to her?"

"No. of course not. Maine and I are okay. We're not having any problems." Richard reassured the three.

"So, if everything is alright between you two, then what about Maine?" Miggy asked.

"Well, it's just that...ishedatiwantosetldwn." Richard said with a low voice almost to a whisper.

"What?" the three said altogether.

"Iwanttosettledown." He again said in one breathing with his voice still in a whisper.

"Son, are you alright. Are you feeling ill? We can't understand what you're saying."

"Common man. Man up. Tell us." Miggy egged on.

Richard then took a deep breath and then spoke, "I want to settle down now. I want to start my own family."

"Finally." Richard Sr. said.

"Okay, so what about it?" Jerald asked.

"Well, I wanted to propose to Maine soon." Richard said.

"Of course you'll propose to Maine. So what about it?" Miggy asked.

"That's the problem. I don't know how." Richard said.

"What do you mean you don't know how?" Jerald asked.

"Well, I don't have any idea on what to do?" he then let out another sigh. "I mean I can't think of a perfect surprise to do it."

"That's it? That's only your problem?" Richard Sr. asked.

"Yes! And it's not a simple problem." Richard said indignantly. "I don't know what to do."

"Hahahahahahaha..." both Jerald and Miggy laugh out loud. Then Richard Sr. joined in the two in laughing.

Richard look at the three incredulously. They were all laughing so hard that they almost fall off from their chairs. "This is not funny."

The three continued to laugh for the next few minutes. Then finally their laughter subsided, Miggy was the first one to speak.

"So, you wanted to propose to Maine, when do you plan to do it?"

"I don't know. I don't even know what I need." Richard said.

"Well, just in case you're not aware you will need to have a ring when you propose." Jerald pointed out.

"Of course I know that." Richard answered.

"Well, have you bought one?" Richard Sr. asked.

"The question is, do you know her size?" Miggy asked.

"Well, that I don't. I haven't bought a ring yet." Richard said.

"Okay, okay. So what's your planned so far?" Richard Sr. asked.

"Nothing," Richard muttered.

"What? You wanted to propose and you don't have anything yet?" Jerald asked.

"Hey. That's why I called you three. I was hoping you can help me." Richard answered back.

"Fine. Fine." Jerald said. "First, we need to get Maine's finger size. And I know exactly who can help us with it."


"Bro, of course my wife, Valeen."

"Yes, you're right. Valeen can ask for Maine's ring finger size." Richard said with a smile.

Richard Sr. and Miggy both lightly tap Richard's head.

"Tsk. Stupid." Richard Sr. said.

"Hey, what was that for?"

"You're not thinking." Miggy stated. "Of course you cannot asked Valeen to ask Maine about it. She will have a clue and your surprise will no longer be a surprise."

"Well, then how can Valeen help us?"

"Valeen can pretend to ask Maine to accompany her to buy a jewelry."

"And..." Richard is still clueless.

"And, of course women will try to fit rings and other accessories. So with that, you will know what does she wants in a jewelry as well as her size." Jerald finished.

"You're a genius!" Richard exclaimed.

Richard Sr. was just shaking his head with a smile on his lips. He knows that his son is really in love but is totally clueless as to what to do.

"So, that's settled. What else?" Richard asked.

The three went on to talk about proposals and plan as to what they will do for Richard's proposal. After about 3 hours, they have finally called off that meeting with everything now planned out.


Hello Everyone,

We are now nearing the ending of this story.

So, a proposal is coming up soon. Who's excited?

As usual, let me know your thoughts.



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