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You were sitting in your room at the Avengers facility when Steve stuck his head through your doorway. "Hey, we just received a new mission. Suit up."

You couldn't help but break into a smile as you saw him. Although you would never admit it to anyone, you had had a crush on Steve for as long as you could remember. How could you not, really, with his sweet manners and boyish charm?

"Aye, aye, Captain," you grinned cheekily and saluted him.

Steve raised his eyebrows at you and chuckled. "Meet us outside when you're ready, sailor."

You threw on your black S.H.I.E.L.D uniform and grabbed your throwing knives, which were your signature weapons.

Once you met the rest of the Avengers outside, Steve summarized the mission you all had at hand. It was a simple mission, really- take down a main HYDRA base. You and the team had done it before, and you knew you'd have no trouble doing it again.

You all gathered in the Quinjet as Steve debriefed everyone on their jobs. "Stark, you take the guards and border patrol. Keep them busy. Natasha, Clint, you invade the core of the base. That's where they keep their data and files. Make sure they're all destroyed. Banner, you stay in the plane and monitor everything. We'll all be wearing these earpieces so we can communicate with each other. We'll let you know if we need the big guy. Questions?"

Tony raised his hand mockingly. "Uh, yes. Who said you were in charge, again? Because I can't recall when we appointed you to leader."

Clint rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Stark, you and Cap have plenty of time to argue later."

You raised your eyebrows and looked at Steve. "And what about me?"

Steve glanced over at you. "You'll be with me, Y/N. We're planting the explosives."

Right before the Quinjet landed, Natasha pulled you aside. "If we make it out of this alive, do me a favor."

You looked at her in confusion before her lips lifted up into a knowing smirk. "Tell Steve about your feelings for him." Your jaw dropped and your cheeks flushed as Natasha gave you an innocent smile. "It's no big secret," called, sauntering away.

Before you could even have time to think about Natasha's request, the Quinjet hit the ground with a sudden thud.

"Alright, let's go!" Steve said as the plane's door descended down into the dirt.

"Be careful," Bruce called as you all made your way towards the looming building. Tony flew up in the air and cleared a path for you and Steve, his blasts sending guards flying. Steve tugged you around a corner and handed you three explosives.

"Come back to the plane once you've planted them all. You take the west side of the building, and I'll take the east side." And with that, you split up.

You ran down a hallway and spotted three oncoming HYDRA agents, who you easily took out with three throws, your knives finding their targets as always. You made your way throughout the west side of the base, taking out agents as you went.

Right as you planted your third and final explosive, a HYDRA agent came up behind you and shot you twice in the abdomen. He had somehow snuck up on you while you were focusing on the explosive. You fell to the ground in pain and groaned, cursing under your breath. "Hell, no," you muttered before grabbing the hidden knife in your boot and stabbing him in the chest.

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