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You, Natasha, Steve, Tony, Clint, Thor and Bruce all tumbled out of the black SUV, nearly falling on top of one another. "Okay, you five," you said, eyeing the boys. "You remember the rules?" Natasha stepped forward and gave them a no-nonsense look. "Or do we need to remind you?"

"We have to stay in groups of two or three at all times," Clint muttered distastefully. Tony sighed dramatically before adding, "We have to be back here at the car by 5:00." Steve spoke up next, his voice flat. "And we have to keep the shirts on, at all times, no exceptions." Thor just stood there and muttered something about how women on Earth had crazy notions. Bruce raised his eyebrows and looked at you and Natasha as if to say, really?, and asked, "May I ask why we have to do all this, again?"

You raised your eyebrows and looked at each of them, one by one, speaking evenly. "Because the last time we came here, each and every one of you got lost or in trouble. Clint, you ate too much cotton candy and threw up. Tony, you got in trouble for cheating at the hit the clown game because you used your blasters. Steve, you strayed from the group and were wandering around for hours by yourself until an old woman took pity on you and led you to the entrance. Thor, you got in trouble for harassing the roller coaster staff and were taken in by park security. And Bruce, you got stuck at the top of the Ferris wheel."

The boys all stood and stared at the ground in silence as they knew you were right. Thor suddenly spoke up loudly, his voice brash. "I refuse to wear this abomination of a shirt! It is ungodly and demeaning. You may control these weak midgardian men here, but you cannot control me!" The other four boys looked at him in disbelief. 


"Excuse me?"

"You wanna brawl and see who's weak, Thunderpants?"

"Being respectful of terrifying women is not what I would call weak."

Thor ignored their protests and looked at you and Natasha firmly. "I will not give in to your ways of manipulation, no matter how deadly you both may be."

Natasha gazed at him for a moment before lifting her lips into a smirk. "Oh, really? Because I have something that may change your mind." She pulled out her phone and clicked on a video before showing Thor the screen. It was Jane, and as Natasha selected play, Jane began to speak. "Hey, Thor, so I know you're going to the amusement park with the rest of the Avengers today, and Y/N and Natasha told me about what happened last time. Considering those circumstances, I think it would be best for everyone if you wore the shirt, okay? You don't want to be stuck in the park's jail again. Bye, see you when you get home. Love you." And with that, the video ended, leaving Thor with a softened expression. "I will do as you ask this one time," he said in defeat. "Now that we have that settled," Natasha said smugly, "we can go inside. Remember the rules, boys."

You and Natasha watched as the five boys made their way to the amusement park's entrance together, all wearing the same shirt with the same words printed on the back: If lost, please return to Y/N or Natasha.

You wore a shirt that said I am Y/N, and Natasha wore a shirt that said I am Natasha.

"Let's hope they don't get into more trouble than last time," Natasha muttered. "I don't want to get kicked out this time."

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