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How each character makes your transition from summer back to school easier (because no one likes going back to school after break, and it's coming up) :(

Steve Rogers:
Steve throws you an end-of-summer party with all of your favorite things about summer: lemonade, swimming, basking in the sun, barbecue, and relaxing. You had a great time and both of you ended up falling asleep at sunset in lawn chairs.

Tony Stark:
To cheer you up, Tony reads you dirty fan-fiction that he found online about himself. It was so cringey that even Tony, who naturally has a dirty mind, had to stop and take a break at some points. You were both on the floor with laughter by the end of the night.

Bucky Barnes:
Bucky goes back-to-school shopping with you (it was more that he dragged you to the store, you didn't want to go). Despite your reluctance, Bucky made the experience much more enjoyable: you walked around the store together, his arm wrapped around your shoulders as he read off the shopping list he had brought with him, which had everything you needed on it.

Pietro Maximoff:
Pietro helps you complete your summer assignments that you had been putting off until last minute. He uses his super speed to speed-read through the book you had been assigned to read and then helped you write your essay on it. You wouldn't have finished it without him, and he gave you continuous support and encouraging comments throughout the whole process.

Clint Barton:
Clint takes you out for an expensive dinner, which was rather out of character for him as you two usually kept it casual. When you asked him about it, he just shrugged and smiled. "You deserve the best, and I wanted to do a little something special for you." You didn't even care that school was starting by the end of the night, you were so happy.

Peter Parker:
Peter, who typically dreads shopping, agrees to go clothes shopping with you for the upcoming school year. For every single thing you tried on, Peter would fawn over you and tell you how great you looked, usually yelling it rather loudly. "My gosh! Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?" "You're stunning." "Gorgeous. It looks amazing on you." It got to the point where it was a bit embarrassing, but endearing nonetheless. You only ended up giggling each time.

T'Challa whisks you away to Wakanda for a last-minute, in-the-moment trip. You spend a week there, and the island is so stunning and beautiful that you completely forget your stress and worry about school. You're too busy having fun and enjoying your time with him to think about it.

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