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You crossed your arms over your chest and sighed as you stared out the car window. 

"Now can you tell me where we're going?"

"Nope," Steve said from the driver's seat, giving you a grin. "You'll just have to wait."

"It's been at least five hours!" you protested. "Just a hint?"

Steve checked his watch. "Actually, it's only been 30 minutes, Y/N."

You groaned and let your head fall back into the passenger headrest. 

"We're almost there."

Steve always liked to spontaneously take you out on surprise dates. You would have thought that after multiple instances you would've become more patient, but you hadn't. As much as you loved Steve and his surprises, the anticipation always got to you.

Ten minutes, later, Steve pulled into a parking lot. You glanced up, and upon seeing where you were, broke into a wide smile. You turned to Steve and raised your eyebrows. "Oh, you have no idea how badly I'm going to kick your butt." 

He raised his eyebrows back at you. "Trash talking already, Y/N? Save it for the green."

Steve had brought you to an outdoor mini-golf course. A big sign reading "Jungle Golf" stood over the entrance and you could see fake safari animals placed all over the course.

 A big sign reading "Jungle Golf" stood over the entrance and you could see fake safari animals placed all over the course

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Steve strolled up to the counter and asked your golf balls and clubs. You saw the girl at the counter eye him appreciatively as she handed them over. Steve, being the adorable and oblivious idiot he is, simply thanked her with a smile an walked back over to you. You watched her eyes follow him until they stopped on  you. You smirked and waved sweetly, even blowing her a kiss. The girl's eyes narrowed and she quickly turned away. 

Steve looked at you in confusion. "Do you two know each other?"

"Oh yes," you said, hooking your arm through Steve's. "We go way back."

Steve gestured towards you as you reached the first hole. "Ladies first."

You smiled and squeezed his hand. "Always a gentleman. Now watch me destroy you."

He laughed. "We'll see."

Seven holes later, you and Steve were neck-in-neck. You knew that you needed to do better than him on the last two holes if you were going to win. On the eighth hole, you managed to score a birdie. 

"Ha!" You said, pumping your fist. "Suck it!"

"Now, now," Steve said, stepping up to the green. "It's not over yet. I still have to go, and we have one more hole."

Although you'd never admit it to him, he was actually pretty decent at mini golf. Really decent, if you were bring honest. It was making you a little nervous. You wanted to win. So obviously, you couldn't let him do better than you on the hole. So you ... took matter into your own hands. Distraction was a talent of yours.

Right as Steve brought his club back, you came up beside him and kissed the side of his neck. Steve, in his surprise, hit the golf ball. You watched in satisfaction as it moved a sad two inches, nowhere near where he had been aiming. 

He turned to look at you. "Oh, I see, we're playing dirty now, are we?"

You shrugged innocently. "I don't know what you're talking about, Steve."

He grinned and shook his head. "We have one left. Hole 9."

You flipped your hair over your shoulder and blew him a kiss as you set down your golf ball. "Watch and learn, baby."

You brought your club back and were about to hit your golf ball in when a sudden movement caught your eye. You glanced up to see a now shirtless Steve standing across from you. 

"What in the world ... are you doing?" you laughed.

Steve grinned and shot you a wink. "It's really hot out. I needed some air."

You tried to focus on your golf ball, but all you could see was Steve's bare and very muscular chest. After a minute, you looked up at him and shook your head in amusement.

"Put your shirt back on! There are other people here, Steve." You tried to keep a straight face, but you really couldn't. 

"Why?" Steve flexed, a wide smile on his face. "Does this-" he took a few steps towards you and pulled you close to his chest. "-bother you?"

You laughed. "Steve!" 

"What?" he asked innocently before bringing his lips to your ear, his voice low. "Are you finding this distracting?"

You rolled your eyes and looked up at him. "If I call it a draw, will you put your shirt back on?"

He pretended to think about it. "I could be persuaded to do so, yes."

"Fine. It's a tie. Now let's go," You said, unable to keep a smile from slipping on your lips as you both walked towards the parking lot.

(Despite Steve's earlier agreement to put his shirt back on, he drove home, shirtless). 


ok wow sorry if this sucked ... i was trying to be funny and wasn't sure how to end it but hope you enjoyed it nontheless!!



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