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You sighed deeply and dragged yourself up the stairs to your apartment. It had been a terrible day at work, and all you wanted to do was curl up in bed and cry. It felt like everything possible had gone wrong.

First, you spilled coffee all over your blouse driving to work. Then, traffic was awful and made you twenty minutes late. Your boss, after yelling at you for being late, threatened to fire you if you didn't make up the lost time. Because you needed to make up the time, you spent your lunch break working, so you didn't eat anything all day. Finally, as you were walking back to your car to go home, you tripped and dropped your purse. It took you at least thirty minutes to collect all of the makeup, money, keys, and other miscellaneous items that had fallen out.

The stairwell felt endless, and you cursed under your breath as your forged on, step after step. After what seemed like forever, you finally reached your floor and weakly approached your door, fumbling as you tried to put your keys in the lock.

A gasp escaped your lips as you swung open your apartment door. White Christmas lights hung on the walls and lit the kitchen and living room with a warm and cozy light. Paper snowflakes hung delicately from the ceiling, and a small Christmas tree, barely two feet tall, stood in the corner of the living room. It was decorated with little ornaments and a tiny star. Two wine glasses and bottle of your favorite wine sat on the dining room table. Frank Sinatra's Christmas album played softly.

Your eyes drifted to the kitchen, where your boyfriend stood. His back was to you and he didn't seem to notice that you had arrived. He hummed along to the music.


He jumped at your voice and turned around, his eyes wide.

"Oh, hi Y/N," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What's all this?" you asked in awe, gesturing to all the decorations.

"Well," he said hesitantly. "I knew you'd been having bad day. And I know how much you love Christmas and the holidays. So I figured I'd surprise you." He eyed you nervously. "It's not too much, is it?"

You blinked at him for a moment before breaking into a smile and making your way over to him. "I don't deserve you."

He gazed down at you and placed his arms around your waist. "And I'm somehow lucky enough to have you."

You leaned up to kiss him until he placed a finger over your lips. "Ah, now wait. There will time for that later. But first-" he led you to the dining room table and placed a box of takeout from your favorite restaurant in front of you. "We eat."

You looked up at him adoringly and bounced happily in your seat. "I love you. Have I mentioned that?"

"Doesn't hurt to hear it again," Fitz said, smiling.


oh my gosh. let me just apologize for how long it's been since I've updated. school has been keeping me insanely busy and I had some boy issues goin on but anyways!

hopefully I will be able to have more time to write and update. requests are always welcome!!

thank you to those who have been reading. xoxo

love, elizabeth

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