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You woke up and stretched sleepily, a yawn escaping your lips as you stood up. Making your way over to the window, you opened the blinds as you did every morning. You gasped in surprise as your eyes landed on the stark white landscape. It had snowed.

"Steve!" you shouted, jumping back on the bed. "It snowed!"

"... whm?" A groggy Steve peered his head out from under the covers and eyed you in a daze.

"It snowed, sleepyhead! Come on, wake up! Let's go outside!"

Before he could utter a reply, you threw on your robe and slippers and were out the door in seconds. You opened the back door into the backyard and let out a breath, leaving a cloud of air in front of you. You absolutely loved winter, and this was the first snowfall of the year. How could you not be excited?

You ran around the yard happily, ignoring the feeling of the snow seeping through your slippers. You didn't have a care in the world.

The back door opened and Steve walked out in his robe and pajama pants. "Y/N, come inside," he said, shaking his head. "It's freezing."

"I will ..." you trailed off as you slowly reached down and formed a snowball in your hand. "I just have to do this first!"

You threw the snowball at Steve and watched in glee as it hit his chest. He looked up and locked his blue eyes on yours. "Oh, you wanna play that way? It's on."

He leaned down and quickly made a few snowballs. You did the same and tried to make them as fast as you could. Right as you were about to stand back up, a snowball hit you in the leg.

Looking up, you saw Steve standing with snowballs in his arms, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"For Narnia!" you shouted heroically before running towards him, snowballs in your hands.

Steve let out a laugh and ran away from you, attempting to dodge all the snowballs you were chucking at him.

"That's right, run!" you yelled before breaking into laughter.

Suddenly, you realized that you had thrown your last snowball. Your snowball supply was gone, just like that.

Unfortunately, Steve had realized the same thing. He stopped running and raised his eyebrows at you, a smirk on his lips. "Hm. It seems you're a little short on artillery, Y/N."

"Huh," you said, eyeing the mound of snowballs in his arms nervously. "And it seems you're not."

"For America!" he shouted, imitating the same battle cry you had done. You shrieked and started running away, doing your best to avoid the snowballs. Despite your efforts, nearly every one of Steve's snowballs found their target. By the time he ran out of snowballs, you were covered in snow.

Steve started laughing even more as he saw your snow-covered state. "You look so cute," he said, suppressing another fit of laughter.

"I say I won," you said, flipping your icy hair over your shoulder. "I'm clearly the superior snowball thrower."

"Oh, obviously," Steve said, rolling his eyes. "That's why you look like a human snowball."

"Hey, I'm so good at throwing snowballs I became one," you grinned. "Get on my level, Rogers."

He rolled his eyes again before giving you a smile. "Can we talk about this inside? You need to warm up."

"I'm totally fine," you said, crossing your arms over your chest. "I'm not even cold."

"Y/N," Steve gave you a look. "You're barely wearing anything. Let's go inside and I'll make you hot chocolate."

"But I'm not c-cold," you said, trying not to shiver. Steve may of had a point- you were only wearing a slip dress, your robe, and slippers. But you'd never admit it to him.

Steve only raised an eyebrow before walking over to you. "You-" he wrapped his arms around you. "-are a horrible liar."

Your body had started to shake from the cold, and you felt Steve's arms tighten around you. "You're like an ice cube, Y/N," he said, frowning. "Come on. Inside."

You opened your mouth to argue, but before you could even say a word he scooped you up in his arms and carried you inside the house.

"Now you go get into something warmer while I make breakfast," he said, kissing your forehead.

You thought about saying something sarcastic but settled for rolling your eyes and doing what he asked. "Fine," you sighed.

After taking off your soaked clothes, you settled for one of Steve's comfy T-shirts. It fell to your knees and smelled faintly of his cologne.

You walked back into the kitchen and living room to find Steve waiting for you on the couch. Two cups of hot chocolate and a plate of toast and eggs sat on the coffee table.

His lips quirked into a smile as he saw you in his shirt. "Cute."

You say down next to him on the couch and took a sip of your hot chocolate. "This is nice."

"And warm," he added, giving you a look. "Now I was thinking we should watch a Christmas movie. Thoughts?"

"Genius," you smiled.

You rested your head on Steve's chest as he started the movie. He reached over and grabbed a blanket, draping it over you.

Your eyelids get heavy as Steve ran his fingers through your hair repeatedly. It always made you sleepy.

You heard Steve say one last thing before you drifted off to sleep: "I totally won, by the way."


this was inspired by the snow days I've been having at school!! hope you enjoyed. xoxo

love, Elizabeth

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