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When you awoke, you were lying in a cushy bed, surrounded by pillows and blankets. An IV stood next to you, it's tubes leading down to your arm. There was a heart monitor to the other side of you, its loud beeps consistent and obnoxious. But hey, you guessed it meant you were alive.

You didn't recognize the room at first, but after looking around, you vaguely realized you were in Bucky's apartment. It was surprisingly cozy, with a single brick wall on one side of the room and a small arrangement of- were those succulents?- in the corner. It was simplistic but charming nonetheless.

You suddenly noticed the arm chair to the right of the bed, and no one other than your dear partner sitting in it. Or rather, sleeping in it. Bucky's head was slumped to the side, and he was snoring softly. He was wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt, and you had to admit he looked pretty adorable.

"Hey," you whispered. "Hey, earth to Sleeping Beauty."

Bucky groaned slightly and opened his eyes, letting out a yawn. He sat up quickly when he saw you staring back at him., his eyes wide.

"Oh- god, you're awake. Thank god." His voice was groggy from sleep, and he came and sat on the edge of the bed. "You ... you scared the hell out of me, Y/N."

You smiled and tried to sit up, but immediately winced. Right. You forgot you weren't exactly in good shape.

Bucky leaned forward and gently pushed you back down by your shoulders. "No, no, lay back down. You need to heal. And rest. And just-" his voice cracked, and he couldn't even seem to look at you. "Stay alive."

You reached forward and grabbed his hand. "Bucky, look at me. I'm alright now. I'm here, and I'm safe. Okay?"

Words suddenly flooded from his mouth, fast and fierce and fearful. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm so sorry. I tried to warn you about that agent, and I wasn't quick enough. And I had never felt so torn apart- we searched and searched and searched, and I never thought we were going to find you. I thought you were dead, and I just- I didn't know how I was going to live without you here. I mean, you're my partner. Shit, you're my best friend. And-" he gave you an almost hopeless look.  "I love you."

In the moments it took your brain to calculate and comprehend all that Bucky had said to you, your heart had suddenly pushed you forward and up to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling his face down to yours. You had no idea where it was coming from, but as your lips brushed against his it didn't seem to matter. It felt right, and your instincts were never wrong.

Bucky rested his forehead against yours as the two of you of you broke away.

"It was not your fault," you said quietly. "I knew you would find me. You have my back. You always do."

He smiled weakly. "That's what partners are for."

You propped yourself up on your elbow and raised an eyebrow. "Partners? Is that what we are?"

You hoped he could hear the unspoken question in the air. Is that all you want us to be?

He leaned forward towards you. "Well, considering I just spilled my guts to you and you kissed me, I was thinking we could be partners and ... then some." The edges of his lips were forming a slight smirk as he looked at you.

You grinned. "Sounds like a solid plan, Barnes. I'm in."

Bucky grinned back and grabbed your hand. "Are you sure, Y/L/N? Because once you're in, there's no backing out."

"Oh, I'm in," you said. "There's nothing I've been more sure of."

He brushed a piece of hair behind your ear, leaning in to kiss you softly. "Lucky me."

You pulled back before he could kiss you. "On one condition. Let's wait to go on a date until I look like my usual self. Not this beaten bruised mess."

He looked at you, his eyes only a few inches from yours. "I think you look beautiful. And badass. It's kinda sexy, to be honest."

You laughed in disbelief. "Really, Bucky? This turns you on?"

He merely shrugged and leaned forward to kiss you again. This time, you didn't pull away.


hello my loves!! I hope you enjoyed part 2 :)

sorry it took me so long to update, college applications are keeping me busy.

love, Elizabeth

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