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You awoke for the second time in hospital, having to adjust to your surroundings for a moment before remembering where you were. You yawned sleepily and rubbed your eyes. "Hey, you're up," you heard a deep voice say warmly. You glanced up to see Steve leaning against the doorway, smiling softly at you. It was just then that you noticed he was still in his Captain America suit, his face marked with dirt and grime. "Have you stayed here since you saved me?" He shook his head quickly, almost too quickly. "Oh, no, I was just-"

"Yes, he has," Natasha stuck her head through the doorway, smirking. "Ever since he brought you to the hospital he's refused to leave your bedside or go anywhere else." Your eyes shot up to Steve, who looked at you sheepishly, a faint blush on his cheeks. "I just needed to be sure you were okay, is all."

"Steve, you didn't have to do that for me," you said, shaking your head in disbelief. "How long have you been here, over 24 hours? And have you been sleeping in the hospital chair the entire time?"

His silence answered your questions.

"You are unbelievable," you sighed, looking over at him in amusement. "At least come sit on my bed, it's much more comfortable than that chair, I'm sure."

Steve made his way over to you and sat on the side of your bed, his weight shifting the mattress underneath you. You scooted over and patted the spot next to you, smiling. "I don't bite, Steve, you can lay next to me." He let out a laugh and hesitantly moved next to you, so the both of you were laying next to one another. You suddenly became aware of how close you truly were to one another and felt your cheeks start to flush. Steve suddenly turned on his side so he was facing you, and opened his mouth to speak. "Y/N-"

"I like you," you blurted suddenly, not even thinking twice about what you were saying. "I think you're the most charming, cute, and brave person that I've ever met and I like you a lot. And I was never planning on telling you this, ever, but you saved my life and I don't even know why I'm telling you this because I'm sure you won't feel the same way but I figured, hey, I almost died today and he would have never known how I'd felt and-"

Steve abruptly cut you off, leaning forward and placing his lips against yours. It was a miracle a nurse didn't run in to see why your heart monitor had quickened it's beeping. You were so taken aback that you nearly pulled away before leaning into his touch, his hand cupping your cheek gently. It was a few seconds later when you finally broke away from each other, needing to catch a breath.

Steve's blue eyes were bright as he smiled shyly at you. "Uh, sorry. I should have asked." You raised an eyebrow and kissed him again, feeling his lips lift into a smile under yours. "You can kiss me anytime you want, Rogers."

"Finally!" A muffled voice through the doorway, sounding extremely exasperated. "Took them long enough." The voice sounded suspiciously like Natasha. "Move over, I want to see!" A second voice complained. There was a beat of silence as you and Steve stared and watched the blinds move in the little window to the right of the door. "Shit! They can hear us! They're looking at the door. Abort! Abort!" The second voice said loudly. "Clint, you idiot! You gave us away!" There was the sound of feet running away before silence overcame the room again. You and Steve looked at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.

He grinned before rubbing the back of his neck, looking up to meet your eyes. "So, if I didn't make it clear, I like you too. Quite a lot." He voice quieted. "I thought I'd lost you, Y/N. The nurses, they said you may not wake up after your surgery, and I thought I had lost my chance to tell you how I felt. I'm an idiot for not doing it sooner. I just never had the guts to tell you."

You eyed him for a moment before breaking into a wide smile. "Well, I'm alive and well. And it seems you did have to guts to tell me. So, what you gonna do about it?"

He shook his head, chuckling, before looking up at you. "You just cut to the chase, don't you, Y/L/N?"

You grinned in amusement. "Well?"

He pondered your question for a moment before lifting his mouth into smile. "How about I take you on a date? "

It was your turn to smile. "Great. You want to go see the latest movie
once I get out of here? I'll buy the popcorn."

"As generous as that is, I'll buy the popcorn. And whatever else you'd like to eat."

"We can argue about this another time," you said humorously. "But now, you need to go home, take a hot shower, and get some sleep. In an actual bed."

Steve stood and saluted you jokingly. "Yes, ma'am. I'll be back soon." He winked before making his way out of the room, leaving you laying in your hospital bed, a smile on your lips.

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