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You couldn't believe your ears when you heard Pietro had never been kayaking. When you had mentioned that it would be a fun date, he cocked his head and gazed at you in confusion, looking like a lost puppy. "What is this 'kayaking' you talk of?"

"You never went kayaking in Sokovia? You sit in this tiny little boat and paddle and ... You know what, I'll just show you."

An hour later, you were both at the local river, lugging a kayak you had rented into the chilly water. "Now," you explained, "we both sit in the kayak. And then we take the paddles and pull them through the water at the same time. Okay?"

You walked over to Pietro and zipped up his lifejacket, making sure all the buckles were secured. He cleared his throat and looked down at you, his eyes shining with amusement. "I know how to wear a lifejacket, Y/N." You shot him a dirty look, but you both knew you weren't really upset. "Sorry for caring about you."

"Is your lifejacket zipped?" He asked, giving you a grin. "Should I zip it for you?" You rolled your eyes and shoved him towards the kayak. "Alright, wise guy, just get in. You sit in the back and I'll sit up front."

Pietro obediently sat in the back and looked on as you jumped into the front before pushing off the shore with your oar. "So we just paddle, yes?" He asked, looking at his oar blankly. "Yes," you called over your shoulder. "Just like I am, see?" You demonstrated by pulling your oar through the water.

After watching you for a few more strokes, he got the hang of it pretty quickly. Although you would never have admitted it, he was doing a better job than you were. You blamed his muscular physique. Not that you were complaining.

You were about to forget your pride and tell him what a great job he was doing when he suddenly began to rock the kayak back and forth. "Pietro, you're going to make us fall in," you said, giving him a look. He smiled innocently and continued to sway the kayak. "What? I am not doing anything." You raised your eyebrows at him skeptically. "Pie-"

Before you could even finish saying his name, the kayak abruptly flipped over, dumping you both into the brisk river water. You shot up to the surface, spitting out water and gasping for air as you pushed your sopping hair out of your eyes. Pietro came up a second after, laughing and cheering merrily. "Whoo! This water is very cold!" You furrowed your eyebrows at him. "Pietro Maximoff, I swear ... "

Instead of saying anything, he swam towards you and pulled you close to his chest, both of you bobbing on the surface like little marshmallows in a cup of hot chocolate. "It is good I am here to save you from drowning," he smirked, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Life jackets can be very bad if not buckled or zipped."

"Oh, shut up," you laughed, despite your best efforts to appear irritated. "Now let's get back in, there's a place I want to show you."

The gentleman he usually was, Pietro helped boost you back into the the kayak before climbing in after you. "What is this place you talk of, Y/N?"

"Be patient," you said, a slight smile on your face. "We have to paddle down the river to get there."

A few minutes later, you reached a tunnel. "It's just through here," you explained. The tunnel was cool and dark, and the only sound to be heard was your paddles sliding through the water.

You emerged from the tunnel and into a little bay, which was empty of anyone else. It was always deserted, which is what you loved about it. The calm water looked like green sea glass and the trees and flowering bushes that lined the bay basked in the sunshine.
You glanced back at him, smiling. "Isn't it beautiful?"

He looked around for a moment before settling his blue-eyed gaze on you. "Yes. Very beautiful."

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