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Oh gosh. This is going to end so, so, so badly, you thought as you took the elevator up to the penthouse of the Avengers Tower, where your family usually was.

You glanced over nervously at your boyfriend, [insert ideal bf name here]. He caught your anxious look and raised his eyebrows. "Oh man. Is it gonna be that bad?"

You fidgeted with your hands as the elevator neared the top floor. "I would try and reassure you that it won't be, but ..."

You couldn't help but worry that you would be single by the end of the day.

[Name] laughed lightly and grabbed your hand in his. "They at least know I'm coming, right?"


"Y/N? Right?"

You slowly looked over at him, an apologetic expression creeping onto your face. "Well ..."

His eyes widened in worry. "Y/N! You didn't tell them? Do they even know we're together?"

You bit your lip and shook your head. You had tried to tell your parents multiple times, but each time you either got too nervous and chickened out, or something came up and interrupted.

[Name] gulped nervously and tightened his grip on your hand. "Oh man, I'm gonna die."

The elevator dinged as it's doors slid open.

"Y/N? Is that you?" Steve's voice rang loudly through the hallway.

"Uh, yeah, Dad, it's me," you answered, hoping your voice sounded normal. "There's someone I want you to-"

Steve had rounded the corner, and upon seeing you and [Name], stopped abruptly in his tracks. You could practically see the wheels whirring in his brain: Y/N. Boy. Y/N with boy. Boy is brought here. Y/N and boy are ... holding hands? Oh. Oh no.

Steve's eyes narrowed, but it was so slight that only you noticed. "One second," he said, and turned back around. You followed him around the corner to find him whispering, an earpiece in his ear. "I repeat, we have a code red ultra. A code red ultra. Get here now." You swore you heard a shriek come from the other end of the earpiece.

You cleared your throat, your arms crossed over your chest. "Uh-hm."

Steve whirled around and attempted to act casual (he failed miserably). "Hey, sweetie. So ... how was your day?"

You furrowed your eyebrows and was about to answer when there was a loud noise from the kitchen. Where your boyfriend was. Alone. Oh no. You should have never left him by himself.

You ran into the kitchen to find Natasha circling [Name}, her eyes narrowed suspiciously. "And what are your intentions exactly?" Oh god. She was using the voice she always used when interrogating criminals or terrorists. This was very, very bad. 

Tony was pacing around the room in a storm. "What do we do?"

Natasha exchanged looked with Clint. "How do we handle this?" he asked.

"I don't know. This is nothing we were ever trained for."

"Guys..." you said, cautiously approaching them all. "Don't get mad, okay-"

"Mad? Mad!" Tony's voice cut through the air. "You didn't tell us you had a- a boyfriend!"

Clint stood next to Tony, his arms crossed over his chest. "We didn't even have a discussion about dating. Let alone bringing a boy home." He glared at [Name] threateningly, who looked like he was about to faint. Or run away in terror. Or both.

Bruce walked in, and after assessing the situation and seeing [Name], shook his head. "Oh hell, no. Hell no. Nope. No way, not happening."

"Dads," you said, addressing Steve, Tony, Clint, and Bruce, who now stood side-by-side, each looking very intimidating. "Mom-" Natasha glanced up from her interrogation. "Can you just let me introduce him? Please?"

They all grunted and sighed a few times, and you took that as a reluctant yes. "This is [Name], my boyfriend-" they all cringed at the dreaded b-word. "[Name], these are my parents- Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, and Bruce Banner."

[Name] took a shaky breath (bless his pure sweet soul) and reached forward to shake each of their hands. "It's a honor to meet you all. I can see where Y/N gets her streak of bravery from."

You swore you saw each of their frowns lift slightly.

[Name] swallowed before continuing on. "I wasn't aware that you didn't know Y/N and I were together. I thought she told you," he said, shooting you a glance. "So, I understand if you won't allow us to be together. It would kill me, but as a boyfriend I need to be respectful of my girlfriend's parents' wishes. Even if it means breaking up with the the beautiful girl whom, well, I love."

Damn, he was good.

All of your parents looked like they had melted a little inside. 

Steve was the first one to speak. He stepped forward and clapped [Name] on the back. "As long as you promise to take good care of her, I approve."

Tony stepped up. "Take great care of her. Good isn't good enough."

Clint was next. "Just know that if you do anything to break her heart, I'll break your neck."

Bruce stood close to [Name]. "If you are anything other than respectful to my daughter, well ... " he trailed off. "I doubt I have to explain what would happen."

Natasha crossed her arms over her chest, a smirk on her face. "I think they covered it all. Просто будь счастлив, что твоего дяди Баки здесь нет." [1] She laughed and sauntered away, leaving everyone confused and you with the realization of how right she was.



1. "Just be happy that your Uncle Bucky isn't here."

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