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You sat outside in your backyard, glancing around at the remnants of your birthday party- lonely leftover cupcakes were sitting on the table, and a few balloons, which had long since lost most of their air, floated sleepily in the breeze. You returned your gaze to the sky, which was littered with stars, each shining brightly against the velvety black night.

Although your birthday party had been a great success, the one person you wanted to see most hadn't been there. Sure, he did have the realms to protect, including your own, but it was your birthday. Surely he couldn't miss it?

Sighing to yourself, you rested your chin on your elbow, your eyes scrutinizing the sky. You waited a few more minutes and sat alone in the brisk night, nothing to be seen or heard but the occasional sound of the wind.

Just as you were about to head inside, the sky above you seemed to swirl together, a blue hue emitting from the eye of the storm. A powerful burst of rainbow light shot down from the clouds and onto your lawn, leaving the oh-so-familiar scalding symbol in your grass.

On top of the symbol stood no one other than your boyfriend, looking as heroic as ever in his usual Asgardian attire and holding his hammer. "Thor!"

He grinned and held out his arms to you as you ran towards him. But instead of embracing him as he expected, you punched him in the arm, a frown on your face. "What did I tell you about landing in my backyard? Do you have any idea how much lawn maintenance it is after you burn a hole in my grass?"

He glanced down at you, his eyes twinkling in amusement. "I am sorry, Y/N. In my excitement to come and see you, I forgot to land in the driveway as you asked."

Your lips lifted into a smile and you finally wrapped your arms around him in a hug. "I missed you."

You felt his strong arms hug you back and his lips touch the top of your head. "I have missed you too. I am sorry I have not visited sooner. There was trouble in a few of the realms that I had to deal with."

"I thought you weren't coming at all," you admitted, gazing down at the ground.

"You think I would miss your day of birth, Y/N? I could never do such a thing. My heart would regret it for ages." His blue eyes were genuine as he looked down at you apologetically.

Before you could think of a response, he wrapped an arm around your waist and flew you up onto the roof of your house, making you gasp in surprise. "What the hell are you doing?"

As you landed on the roofing gently, he looked down at you and chuckled, his laugh deep. "Impatient as always. Watch and see."

He held his hammer up to the sky, sending a bolt of lighting up into the clouds. "I know you like thunderstorms, and so I thought I would give you one of your own."

The clouds above you darkened, and thunder cracked loudly, reverberating through the air. The wind around you picked up noticeably, causing your hair to blow wildly around you face. You broke into a grin as bolts of lightning shot across the the sky, the inky night temporarily lit up with each strike.  Thunderstorms were your absolute favorite- you loved the controlled chaos it brought in its wake.

You glanced over at Thor to see him smiling down at you. "What?" You asked, having to raise your voice over the thunder. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

He laughed and intertwined his fingers with yours. "Your beauty grows even more when you smile. I like to see you happy."

You leaned towards him and placed your lips on his, the storm crashing and blowing around you. The tempo of the thunder seemed to match the erratic beat of your heart. You both finally broke away to rest your foreheads on each other's, smiling. "Did I ever tell you you're great at giving gifts?"

Thor pondered your question for a moment and raised his eyebrows at you, his eyes bright. "I have been called a warrior, a king, a god, and a hero, but never a great gift giver."

"Are you leaving again?" You asked, afraid of the answer you would hear. Every time he left, you didn't know how long it would be until you saw him again.

"I was actually thinking about staying for a few days," he said, his lips tugging into a smile. "That is, if you would have me."

"Yes, you idiot! Of course I'll have you," you laughed, giving him a look of disbelief. "Do you really need to ask?"

"Huh," he said, a look of puzzlement on his chiseled features. "I have never been called an idiot, either. Is this name also a good thing?"

You couldn't help but break into laughter at his expression- he looked like a confused puppy. "Yes, a very good thing," you grinned, kissing him once more.

"Well, then you are an idiot too, Y/N," he said with a smile so tender you knew his words were innocent. "The most beautiful idiot I know."


ok so sorry if this ending sucked? I just didn't know exactly how to finish this imagine and tried to be funny so hope you enjoyed!!

thank you so much for reading, it means a lot.

love, elizabeth

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