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As a dedicated S.H.I.E.L.D agent and one of Director Fury's right hands, you were always assigned the most important missions. But you were never expecting Fury to assign you to the Avengers.

"Excuse me, sir?" You stammered as Fury looked at you, his one eye glittering in amusement. "You heard me, Agent Y/L/N. I'm assigning you to the Avengers. I need someone to not only be willing to fight alongside them, but report back to me on how well they work as a team. They are responsible for protecting our world, after all. And I need to be sure they can handle that responsibility." You shook your head in disbelief. "I'm not sure I completely understand why you-" Fury cut you off, his eyebrows raised. "Are you questioning an order, Agent Y/L/N? Because this is an order, not a request."  You straightened and looked him right in the eye. "No, sir. I'll get started right away."

It had been over a year since you started fighting alongside the Avengers.

You walked out of your room at the Avengers Tower and into the kitchen, your eyes scouring the counters for the coffee pot. Before you could pour yourself a cup, a slipper crashed into the wall next to you, inches from your face. You blinked in surprise before your senses caught up with you.

"Tony, I swear, I'm going to kill you," you growled, reaching down to grab his slipper off the floor. You turned around and spotted his familiar head of dark hair as he tried to make a getaway. You chucked the slipper at him and watched in satisfaction as it sailed across the room before making contact with its target. Bullseye.

Tony made an unmanly shriek and fell onto the floor, rubbing the back of his head. "That hurt," he whined, giving you a dirty look. It was difficult to take him seriously in his Iron Man pajamas and robe. Only Tony Stark would wear pajamas with himself on them.

Steve walked into the kitchen, pausing to eye you and Tony in amusement before making a beeline for the coffee pot. "I'm not even going to ask," he said, shaking his head.

"It was all Y/N," Tony grumbled, earning another glare from you. "You know how she gets."

"You threw your slipper at my face!" You shouted, throwing your hands up in disbelief.

"Actually, it hit the wall next to your face," Tony's brown eyes glimmered with mischief as he raised his eyebrows at you. "Let's not tell lies, Y/N."

"Careful, Stark," Steve said, nodding his head in your direction. "If I were you, I wouldn't get on Y/N's bad side. She is Agent 7, after all."

Natasha walked in and plopped on the couch next to Tony, who had finally gotten up off the floor. "What's this I hear? Is Stark challenging Agent 7?"

Steve's blue eyes flickered between you and Tony before he chuckled. "Stark is traveling a dangerous path right now."

Tony sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes, kicking his feet up on the coffee table. "Please, children, we all know I could beat little Y/N here easily."

You cocked your eyebrow and looked over at Tony in amusement. "Oh, really, pretty boy? You want to test that theory?"

Natasha sat back in her seat on the couch, her lips lifting into a smug smile. "Oh, I'd love to see this. Clint, Bruce, get in here!"

A sleepy Clint stumbled into the room, yawning. "What's going on?"

Steve casually sipped his coffee before breaking into a grin. "Stark here made the mistake of throwing a slipper at Agent 7. He then made the second mistake of claiming he could beat her in a fight."

Clint seemed to noticeably brighten at this and chuckled. "Stark, you do remember why she's called Agent 7, right?"

During one of your missions against HYDRA, you were surrounded by agents. You were out of ammo, and had no weapons. Except yourself. You took out all five agents in seven seconds flat.

After that day, Natasha called you Agent 7. And the nickname stuck.

Tony suddenly looked down at his watch, a frown etching onto his face. "Huh, well would you look at the time. I've got to get going, I have brunch scheduled with Pepper." He stood and quickly walked out of the room, nearly smacking into Bruce on the way out. "Sorry, sweetness, our brawl will have to wait. Duty calls!"

"That's what I thought, Stark!" You called, grinning.

Bruce glanced over in confusion at all of you, who were all chuckling to yourselves. "What did I miss?"

Natasha shrugged, a smirk on her lips. "Tony talking big talk, Y/N threatening to kick his ass, all of us confirming that Y/N would
kick Stark's ass easily. You know, the usual Avengers stuff."

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