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"I don't want you to go," you said, your voice muffled as your buried your face in his chest.

"I don't want to go, either, Y/N," Steve said softly, wrapping his arms around you. "But you know I have to."

"I know," you sighed, looking up at his blue eyes. "Why do you have to be so damn compassionate and heroic all the time?"

"Language, Y/N," he said, his eyes twinkling. "How did I know you were going to say that?" You replied, a slight smile on your lips. Your smile faded as you gazed at Steve in his Captain America uniform, his shield strapped to his back. "I'll miss you."

He brought you close and kissed you on the forehead, his voice low as he murmured, "I'll miss you more than you know."

Being the girlfriend of an Avenger could be quite difficult. HYDRA had started its descend upon the world, and the Avengers were needed more than ever. Steve often had to leave to go on mission after mission, and sometimes it felt like you never saw him anymore. The worst part was, every time you bid him goodbye, you didn't know if he would make it back. And that terrified you. "Hey, I have something that might cheer you up."

You glanced up at Steve, your eyebrows raised. "What?" He reached out from behind his back and pulled out a pillow, a grin on his face. You burst out laughing in surprise- it was no ordinary pillow, but a pillow made to look like Captain America's shield. The fuzzy red, white, and blue design matched Steve's perfectly. "Whenever you miss me, this'll remind you that I'm coming back. I wouldn't want you to forget about me," he added, his voice teasing.

"I would never," you said, kissing him as you held the pillow in your hands. "You better go, I don't want to hold up your new mission."

"I'll be back as soon as I can," he said with a smile, kissing you once more before jumping out the window of your apartment. You ran to the window and watched a Quinjet materialize as Steve landed on its wing. "Be careful!" You yelled over the roar of the plane's engine. He turned around and saluted you, grinning as you saluted back. It had become your pre-mission tradition to salute to one another.


Five days later, you stood in your apartment, pacing back and forth anxiously. It rarely ever took Steve this long to return. At most, it took three days. But never more than three.

I'm sure I'm overthinking it, you thought to yourself. He'll be back any minute.

But he never did show up that evening, leaving you as a anxious and crying mess. As usual, you slept with the pillow Steve gave you. If you buried your nose in the pillow, you could smell his faint scent of soap and cologne. It only made you miss him more.

When it reached a week, you couldn't take it anymore. You needed to find out what had happened to Steve, whether it be good or bad. There had to be someway to contact S.H.I.E.L.D. How hard could it be to track down a top secret government organization, really?

The answer proved to be impossible. After trying every method you could think of to find them and failing every time, you crashed in a heap on your bed, tears filling your eyes. Where the hell are you, Steve? "Language, Y/N," you could practically hear his voice scolding you teasingly.

You curled up with the shield pillow, resting your head on the soft fabric. You drifted off into fitful and teary sleep, too exhausted and distraught to even take off your shoes.

Tap-tap-tap. A soft rapping sound broke through your sleep, making you open one eye groggily to make sure you weren't hearing things. Tap-tap-tap! This time, the rapping was more insistent, the repetitive noises getting louder.

You slowly stood to your feet and scanned your bedroom, trying to decipher where the noise was coming from. Tap-tap-tap! You realized with a start that it was coming from the window, which was only a foot or so away from you. Hesitantly, you made your way over to the window and opened it up slowly. Before you could even think about what was happening, Steve pulled himself through the window and into your room, his Captain America uniform filthy with dirt and what looked like blood stains.

You stared at him in silence for a moment before suddenly striking him across the face.

His eyes widened in disbelief and he gazed at you in shock before uttering, "What was that for?"

"Sorry," you breathed, looking at him apologetically. "I needed to be sure you were real."

Steve shook his head in amusement before breaking into a slight smile. "Not the welcome back I was expecting."

His words seemed to snap you back to reality, and all of your worry, fear, and pain came flooding back. "Where the hell were you, Steve? I thought you were dead! I thought you weren't coming back!" At this last part, your voice broke and your eyes started to fill with tears.

He took in your rumpled clothes and teary disposition before instantly pulling you into his arms, his embrace warm and comforting. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm so sorry. We were kidnapped by HYDRA, and they kept us at one of their bases for days. We only just escaped today. Luckily, we all made it out alive and blew the base."

You sniffled for a moment before  grudgingly replying, "Well, I guess as excuses go, that's not bad."

He chuckled and lifted your face up to his, pressing his lips to yours before wiping the tears off your cheeks. "I told you I'd come back, Y/N. I always will."


hello friends!! so I'm starting school tomorrow, and as expected, I won't have as much time as I've had for this imagines book.


that does not mean at all that I'm going to stop writing. no sir!! I will try to update as frequently as I can, the updates just may be less frequent than they are now. thanks to those who have been reading and voting, so much love.

love, elizabeth

p.s. ok so I watched Thor: The Dark World last night and if you can't tell this imagine was inspired by that lol

p.p.s. I have my own captain america pillow [its the softest thing ever] and that also had a say in inspiring this imagine. just if you wanted to know

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