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(This is a request from abssoccer57, thanks for giving me my first one!)

You took a deep breath and shook your arms and legs out before jogging in place. Standing in your position on the soccer field, you waited for the other team to take their places. Today was the championship game between your hometown soccer team and your rivals. You always got nervous before big games like this, and whenever you got nervous you could never stay put. You anxiously tightened your ponytail for the fifth time and took another deep breath.

The ref blew the whistle, starting the game.


It was the second half of the game, and score was tied, 2-2. You sprinted down the field as one of your teammates received the ball. "Here!" You called, waving your hand. "You got me right here!" One of the rival players glanced over, and seeing that you were unguarded, planted themselves right next to you. Her shoulder kept bumping aggressively into yours as you moved around, trying to get open for your teammate. "Hey, take it easy," you said, keeping your tone neutral. You weren't looking to get into any fights in a game this big. The girl narrowed her eyes at you but said nothing and continued to shadow you around the field, staying way too close for comfort. "Dude, chill," you said again, eyeing her in irritation. This girl seriously had no sense of personal space.

Suddenly, your teammate got a breakaway and started to run down the field with the ball. You quickly abandoned your stalker and sprinted as fast as you could towards the goal. "You got me here," you called as you ran. Your teammate passed the ball perfectly, just in the space ahead of you. Right as you reached the ball and were about to shoot, you felt a hand grab your hair with a snake-like grip and yank you backwards. You let out a cry of pain as you fell back onto the field, your head slamming into the turf.

Your vision went black for a few seconds, a blinding pain at the back of your brain. Suddenly, you felt a whooshing wind pass over you, and as your eyes fluttered open, you saw the last person you would've expected. "Pietro?"

Pietro looked down at you in concern, his brow furrowed in worry. "Are you alright?" he asked, his Sokovian accent thick. Whenever his emotions were at an extreme, his accent came out stronger.

You looked around and realized he had brought you to your team's tent on the side of the field. You gazed at him a moment longer in confusion. "I- I thought you weren't able to make it today."

He smiled softly, gently brushing a piece of hair off your forehead. "Did you really think I would miss the big game, Y/N? Now are you okay?"

Your coach came over and kneeled down to where you were sitting. "We should check you for a concussion, Y/N. You hit your head pretty damn hard."

Your face hardened and you slowly stood up, using Pietro's hand as support. "No. Put me back in. We have to score."

Your coach opened his mouth to argue, but Pietro placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head. "It is no use. Once she sets her mind to something, she will not stop."

Your coach looked from you to Pietro for a moment before throwing his hands in the air in defeat. "Oh, hell. We need you in there anyways. Go on."

Pietro leaned forward and kissed your forehead before giving you a push towards the field. "Kick their asses," he said with a grin.

You grinned back before running onto the field, where the rest of the players and the ref were waiting. One of your teammates came up behind you, their face angry. "I can't believe that girl pulled your hair like that. Thank goodness that biatch got a red card, or she'd have hell to pay after this." She gestured over to the side of the field, where a girl sat, looking pissed. You recognized her as the player who wouldn't leave your side on the field. You gave your teammate a grin and you two did your team's lucky handshake. "Let's just win this thing."

The ref blew the whistle, and you ran down the field once more, dodging the rival players left and right. Your teammate passed you the ball, and all that was between you and the goal was the goalie. You faked left, faked right, and shot the ball right in the upper left corner of the goal, breaking into a smile as your heard the swoosh of the ball hitting the net.

The ref blew the whistle once more, signifying the end of the game. Your team ran up to you, cheering loudly as you all did a huge group hug. "We are the champions ..." You all sang, laughing in glee.

You ran over to your team's tent, where Pietro was still standing, a big smile on his face. You tackled him in a hug, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly. "I am so proud of you," he said in your ear as he held you. He leaned down and kissed your forehead once more before lifting his lips into a grin. "Celebration ice cream?"

"Yes," you laughed, nodding your head in agreement. "Let's go." You bid goodbye to your coach and teammates, all of who congratulated you on your winning goal. As you and Pietro made your way out into the parking lot, your eyes landed on the girl who had pulled your ponytail. You nudged Pietro, whispering, "That's the girl who pulled my hair, the bi-"

He cut you off, a smirk on his lips. "Well, let's teach her a lesson, yes?" He suddenly sped towards the girl, and although he was moving too fast for you to see what he was doing, you saw the girl suddenly shriek in surprise as her hair was pulled from behind, making her fall hard on her butt. You could practically feel the tailbone bruise from here. Pietro appeared in front of her, and he smiled smugly as he raised his eyebrows. "What, you didn't see that coming?"

You walked up to them and smirked down at the girl, who was looking both confused and pissed. "See, this is the part where I'd kick your ass. But I've already done that once today. Sayonara, sweetie."

And with that, you and Pietro walked away, his arm wrapped around your shoulders. You gave each other a fist bump, grinning. "Good work, Maximoff." His eyes twinkled as he looked down at you. "And you, Y/N. The end was a nice touch."

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