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You sat at the kitchen table in the Avengers facility, staring angrily down at the hefty pile of homework assignments. You stared at them for a moment longer before letting out a sudden scream of frustration, hitting the papers off the table and onto the floor. You had been trying to get your homework done, but you were having serious trouble focusing and making any progress. It seemed like you couldn't even make a dent in the looming stack of papers your teachers had assigned you.

Natasha ran into the room, a worried look on her face. She relaxed when she saw you were okay, but frowned upon seeing all the papers scattered across the ground. "Y/N? Would you care to explain why your homework is all over the floor?"

"I can't do it," you said bitterly, holding your head in your hands. "I can't do all these stupid assignments."

Her expression softened and she walked over to you, pulling up a chair at the table. "I'm sure you can. You just have to work hard at it."

"What do you think I've been trying to do?" you burst out, your voice hysterical. "That's all I've been trying to do for the past few hours. And what do I have to show for it? Nothing."

Steve and Tony walked into the room, both wearing expression of concern. Tony raised his eyebrows upon seeing your strewn assignments and looked up at you. "Was there a tornado in here? Did Y/N get into my blasters again?"

Despite his attempt to lighten the mood, you buried your head in your arms and let your hair fall over your face as you let out a groan of frustration. "Why couldn't Tony's intelligence have rubbed off on me?"

Steve came up behind you and placed a hand on your shoulder, his voice worried. "Hey, what's going on?"

Clint leaned against the doorway, a frown etched into his face as he surveyed the situation. "It can't be good if you're begging for Stark's brain."

"Y/N's having some trouble with her homework assignments," Natasha answered, keeping her voice quiet, as if any sudden movements or noises might set you off again.

"Kid, you don't need any of my smarts," Tony said, his lips quirking into a smile. "You're already a genius as it is."

"No, I'm not!" you exploded angrily. "I can't even do a stupid worksheet. I can't focus on anything, and I've been sitting here for hours. I've gotten absolutely nothing done." Your voice broke, and your eyes started to well with tears. "How am I supposed to get through this whole stack of assignments when I can't complete even one?"

Natasha wrapped her arm around your shoulders and pulled you into a hug. "Hey. Look at me."

You sniffled for a moment before slowly looking up at her through your curtain of hair. "What?"

She brushed the hair out of your face and looked at you seriously, holding you by the shoulders. "Do you know who you are? You are Y/N Romanoff-Barton-Rogers-Stark-Banner."

"And Y/N Romanoff-Barton-Rogers-Stark-Banner does not give up," Clint said, pulling up a chair next to Natasha. "Not this easily."

"Is this how we raised you?" Tony asked before shouting dramatically, "No! We raised you to be a fighter. After all, we are the Avengers. Earth's mightiest heroes. It only makes sense that you be just as heroic."

"Even if the bad guy you're fighting is homework," Bruce said as he approached the table, setting the newly stacked pile of your assignments in front of you. "Y/N, you're smarter than you think. Give yourself more credit."

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