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Your phone dinged with a text as you were about to select the next episode of Friends- you had been binge watching it all day, to the irritation of your parents, who continuously berated you to go outside or do something else. You smiled as you read the message.

From: Peter
Don't make any plans tonight.

You typed a text back.

To: Peter
What if I already have?

You frowned slightly as his reply came in.

From: Peter
I know you don't. You've been watching Friends all day, haven't you?

To: Peter
... no comment

From: Peter
That's what I thought. I'll pick you up at 8. Don't worry about dressing fancy

You shook your head in amusement as you got up and started to look through your closet for something to wear for your date. Peter never took you on high-class fancy dates, and that was something you really liked about him. You two kept a laid-back, comfortable relationship, and he was a pretty great boyfriend.

Your mom came into the room, and upon seeing you up and off your bed, widened her eyes. Her eyebrows seemed to disappear into her hairline. "What made you finally get up and move around? I know it wasn't me," she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. "Date night," you said.

"That Peter," she said, shaking her head. "He can work miracles."


At 8 'o clock, your phone dinged again.

From: Peter
Meet me outside

"Bye, Mom! Peter's here," you called as you opened and shut the front door behind you.

Peter stood in front of you, looking as cute as ever in a blue t-shirt (which fit him quite nicely) jeans, and Converse.

You skipped down the steps towards him and greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. "Hey."

"Hey," he said, grinning.

"Where are we going?"

He offered you his arm gallantly. "Come with me."

You raised your eyebrows. "Mysterious."

"We're actually not going too far," Peter said, shooting you another smile.

You were about to ask him what in the world he meant when he led you into your own backyard.

"This definitely isn't far," you laughed. You laughter was cut short when your eyes landed on your trampoline, which was in the back corner of your yard. Fairy lights hung around the net romantically, and you could make out a picnic basket, blankets, and pillows inside.

"Oh, Peter," you said in awe. "It's perfect." And it was.

He turned to look at you, relief clearly on his features. "Really? I was worried you'd think it was too much."

You grabbed your hand in his. "Not at all."

You both jumped up onto the trampoline and sat down, enjoying the little bounce as you did. Peter had packed a dinner complete with pizza, salad, and chocolate covered strawberries. As you ate, the two of you talked about your week and just talked in general. That was another thing you loved about Peter- you could always talk to him, about anything.

After eating, the two of you laid down next to one another. Peter threw a blanket over you as you moved into him, resting your head on his chest. You could feel his hand absently comb through your hair as you did so.

"This is nice," you said. "Being here with you."

"I agree completely," he said. "Look, Y/N, the stars are out." He pointed up to the sky, where sure enough, the stars were shining brightly.

You absolutely loved stargazing, and the fact that the sky was clear made the evening even better.

"There's the Big Dipper," you said, pointing lazily. "Do you see any other constellations?"

Peter gazed up into the sky for a moment or so before shaking his head. "You know I'm not nearly as good at finding them as you are, Y/N."

The two of you were quiet for a few beats before he spoke up again. "You see that star right there? The brightest one?"

You nodded.

"I think I'm going to name that star Y/N. That way, I'll have a star that I'll always be able to find, no matter what."

You turned to look at him, your lips lifting into a smile. "That was so cheesy."

Peter grinned. "Yeah?"

"But very, very cute," you said, leaning in to kiss him.

His lips were soft as they brushed against yours, and you could feel him smile.

The two of you continued to look up at the sky, huddled under blankets, until the both of you fell asleep, the newly named "Y/N" star shining like a beacon against the darkness.

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