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(Requested by @VictoriaBarrs, hope you enjoy!)

An event in which Steve tries to smooth-talk his way into taking you away from Thor.


You walk into the restaurant, taking cautious steps in your 5-inch heels. You were an elf compared to your boyfriend, and so you wore heels every occasion you got.

"Do you like it?" Thor asked, smiling. He still managed to tower over you.

"It's so nice," you said, hooking your arm through his to steady yourself as you walked to your table. "It's perfect."

He looked down at your feet in amusement before shaking his head. "Still trying to reach my height, Y/N? I've told you, your spiky objects will not grant you the power to grow."

You rolled your eyes. "Just let me pretend I'm this tall, Thor."

He pulled out your chair for you, his eyes twinkling. "Very well. Whatever the lady wishes."

Candles lit the room softly and jazz music played quietly. It was very romantic, and you couldn't help but gaze at Thor. He looked handsome, per usual. His blonde hair was combed back and the jet black suit you had convinced him to wear fit rather well. He smiled at you and leaned across the table, clasping your hand in his.


"Is that the mighty God of thunder I see?" A voice called out loudly, cutting Thor off.

You turned, startled, to see a group of people strolling towards you. You immediately recognized them from TV. The Avengers.

A man with blonde hair and blue eyes came up to you first, a smile on his face. "You didn't tell us you had a lady friend, Thor," he said.

"This is Y/N," Thor said. "My girlfriend." He seemed to announce this last part more loudly. "Y/N, this is Natasha, Bruce, Tony, and-"

"Pleasure to meet you, Y/N," the blonde man said, leaning down to kiss your hand. "The name's Steve Rogers."

"Captain America?" you asked.

He winked. "The one and only."

There was a suddenly the sound of shattering glass, and you looked over in surprise to see Thor, his glass now broken into pieces.

"Oops," he said, looking stiffly down at his hand, shaking off the glass shards. "Guess I was holding my glass too tightly."

"Understandable," Steve said, smiling again. "Y/N's so beautiful, it'd be easy for anyone to get distracted."

Thor stood suddenly from the table, his eyes flashing angrily. "That is enough, Captain."

"Take it easy pal, we're just having a conversation," Steve said easily, holding his hands up. "Don't get your man-panties in a bunch."

Thor took a step towards Steve, any previous humor from his face gone.

"When you are ... how do you Midgardians say it? Flirting, with my girlfriend, it is not just a conversation. If you were to do such a thing on Asgard, you would be killed."

Steve raised his eyebrows. "Alright, alright, calm down."

Thor chuckled darkly and grabbed his hammer from under the table. He tossed it in his hands a few times before catching it firmly.

"Let me put it this way. You-" he tossed the hammer once more. "-are not worthy. Y/N is an exquisite woman like no other, and you are not worthy of her."

You blushed slightly and smiled to yourself.

"And if you, or any of you-" he gave the other male Avengers a pointed look. "-try to make a move at my exquisite woman or separate us in any way, I will not hesitate to bring Asgard's way of thinking on this matter to Midgard."

Steve sighed and held up his hands once more, but this time his playful tone was gone. "Okay, Thor, message received. Y/N's your girl."

"Well, I think that's our cue," Natasha said dryly. "Let's go."

"Uh, it was nice to meet you!" you called as they walked out the restaurant's door.

Thor sat down heavily at the table and sighed, looking around for a moment before settling his gaze on you.

"I hope that was not too ... protective?"

"It was sweet," you laughed and grabbed his hand. "Really."

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