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You ran around the side of a building, nearly getting shot down by HYDRA agents. It was just another day, another mission in the life of a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, and you nearly laughed from the thrill of it. Fighting was in your blood.

"Y/N!" You heard your partner call out your name, and you turned to see him toss a HYDRA agent your way. You kicked the agent in the gut mid-air, sending him flying into a nearby tree.

Your partner walked up, his eyebrows raised. "Impressive. Haven't seen that one before."

You shrugged. "I played soccer in high school. Always had quite the kick."

Your partner was no one other than the infamous James Buchanan Barnes (he hated it when you called him by him full name, which is why you did it all the time). The two of you had been paired up by Director Fury three years ago, who claimed that you would work well together. You had no idea then how right he was. You and Bucky were known as the dynamic duo, and you always took on the most difficult missions together without batting an eye.

Today was no different: the two of you were infiltrating a HYDRA base, one of which had only been recently discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D. It was simple. Get in. Grab the plans for their newest evil machine or for world destruction. Get out.

Bucky gave you a fist bump. "It seems you still have the kick." He grinned. "Nice work, Y/L/N. Now let's finish this thing and go get a celebratory drink, yeah?"

Your lips lifted into a smile as you nodded. "Deal. Let's do it."

He looked around the base for a moment and looked at you. "Okay,we split up, I get the paper copies from the basement, and you get the digital copies from the third floor. We meet back here in fifteen."

"Barnes, please." You gave him a look. "I already know the plan. All you had to do was give the go."

He rolled his eyes. "Alright, alright. Let's go."

With that, you ran in opposite directions, with Bucky going towards the back door and you the side entrance. And by side entrance, you meant a window on the third floor. The glass shattered as you broke through, and you smirked as HYDRA agents yelled and shrieked, looking over at you with horror. It seemed not everyone had gotten the warning message you had arrived.

Agents brought out their guns to point at you, and you kicked them out of their hands easily, flipping and turning your body to avoid any bullets they managed to shoot. One agent tried to stick a knife in your back (literally) and you merely ducked, swinging under his grasp, and punched him in the face, knocking him out.

What could you say? You were a bit of a badass. You had been trained by Black Widow, after all.

Walking through the rest of the floor wasn't too difficult, either. It wasn't anything you hadn't faced before or been prepared for. Agents tried to poison, stab, shoot, kick, and even sedate you. You loved the adrenaline rush battling gave you, and you nearly grinned as you took down each agent.

You jogged towards the center of the floor, where room 134 was. That's where the digital files were kept, and you couldn't help but think they really should've kept them in a more secure place. Then again, they probably had thought this base was secure until now.

You had to place a lock bomb on the door to blast in open, and you knew you didn't have much time before an army of agents stormed in- it was impossible for anyone to not notice the explosion and clang of the metal door hitting the ground. Sprinting into the room, you darted around until your eyes caught on the main computer in the corner of the room: bingo.

You pulled out the flash drive from the hidden pocket in your S.H.I.E.L.D. suit and plugged it in, quickly typing in the decryption code to hack into the system.

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