Chapter 2

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"I'm sorry miss, we lost her." Jess couldn't help but sob even more after hearing such horrible news. Her tiny form clinged onto my legs, trying to find comfort.

"H-How did w-we lose h-her?" I choked down my leftover tears, stuttering through my words.. when all that echoed was, why?

"Your grandmother, went into cardiac arrest. It was too late when we started surgery." The piling tears had left my lashes pouring a stream onto my cheeks. Mom.. then dad, am I next? The sisterly image, I had held for Jess, shattered today.

"T-Thank you.. for trying to save her." The docter gave me a pat and she left, but the pat just made it worst. I'm being pitied. Gathering my heavy breaths, I held onto Jess's small hands tight; we left.

"U-Unnie are you leaving me too?" The question hung in the air, awaiting for my whimpy reply in the midst of my spilling tears.

"No. Never! I will never leave you." I forced myself to smile at her, but why does it feel more like a heartbroken one?

I squeked, stumbling backwards along with Jess. Idiot, you hit someone. I pulled my grieving head up, "I'm so--"

The words crawled down my throat.

"Sorry--oh." His sheepish smile, turned stone, colder than it's ever been. The lump in my throat grew, so I just held Jess's hand tighter.

"Come Jess, we better hurry back." My voice came out hoarse, cracking like an hour ago.


"Bammie!" Just like that, she yanked her hand out of my grip and left.

"We have to go Jess." I whispered next to her ears, praying she'll listen to me this once. No, she stood her ground.

"I don't want to Jess, let's go now." My voice stood firm and Jess oblodged. Her tiny feet tapped the concrete, then her hands hugged mine.

"Unnie.. I'm sorry." Then it hit me again. The 3rd round of tears managed to creep up past my walls I built.

God. I really want to die right now.

"Grandma is going to sleep for a long time, Jess. You can play with BamBam another time."

The walk was peacefull, quiet even. But I knew better. I'm lying to myself, the thought lingered in my head as I read the last lines of the book.

"And they loved each other, like no other."

Goodnight Jess.


I woke up early in the morning, my eyes still red from crying. I put on my uniform, and grabbed my books. Jess already rode the bus to school, so I don't have to take her to school?

Fall was rolling around and yet it was still hot as heck. The bike ride today was rather bumpy too, sigh, it's going to be a long day.

Huffing silently, I chained my bike as students passed.

"May.. why are your eyes red?" Sunny's voice resonated behind me, sounding more worried than cheerful. What do I say? I can't just say 'my grandma died' it only aches me more.

"Grandma-- she's gone." My heart

And the bell rang.

Class went by smoothly, now it's break. I walked to the lunchroom, and got out my notebook. After what happened to grandma...I wanted to save lives, I want to make as many cures as I can, to save people.

"Yah! Mean girl! What are you doing here?" I ignored the voice and continued writing.

"Don't ignore me!" I still ignored him.

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