Chapter 15

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Her fragile body now layed on the cold hospital bed. It was all my fault I always hurt her anyways..

"Yah kids stay outside, I need a moment with May unnie." They nodded and ran together towards the hospital door.

Approaching her cold body, I held her hand tight and sobbed. She got into a car accident all because of me, she probably saw me in the car doing the dumbest thing in my life. I regret so much.

"I'm sorry I didn't punch punch her in the face."

"I'm sorry for making your life like this.."

"I'm sorry.. so sorry.."

"I love you."

I finally said the words that never slipped out my tongue. The words had caught onto my throat whether I tried saying it. I had fallen in love with her. I decided to make a promise to myself at that moment.

"I promise to wait until you wake up, when you do I'll make you mine." Kissing her knuckles, I decided to send the kids back home and stay a night at the hospital. Hugging her in my sleep, made me feel comfortable and warm inside.

It didn't occur to me that it was creepy to hug someone that isn't your girlfriend in their sleep.

Everyday I visited her, only to see she hasn't changed. Her face still as pretty as ever and her hands still warm.

A week had passed now, and yet I'm still here waiting for her to wake up one day and me engulfing her in a hug. But with my luck she still didn't budge.

It was nearing our graduation, and like everyday I did I told her about the things we learned in class, I even read our full history book for her so that way she doesn't feel left out. Juju and Niyeon were still bothering me like hell because May wasn't there.

It's been a month of summer, and she still hasn't moved. It's been a year. Is she never going to wake up?

Deciding to leave the ward again, I stopped moving as I hear shuffling behind me.

"Where am I?" She groaned in pain.

"May!" I shout and hugged her so tight that I think she was able to breathe a lot.

"Tae what happened? Why do you look so different?" It seems like she has forgotten the thing I did to her in regret.

"You go into a car accident, it's been a year, your out of high school."

"A year's gone by?" I couldn't tell what she was feeling, her face stared at the white sheets that covered her.

"Why though? How did I end up here?" I gulped, unable to answer her question.

"Um.. you were crossing the road and didn't see where you were going and- and a car hit you." It was still the truth, just not all of it. She'll never forgive me if she found out.


"By the way our homeroom teacher told me to tell you, that, you can take the college entrance exam since you couldn't during your coma." Smiling brightly, I was suprised her face didn't break because of the huge grin.

"Thanks Tae~" I waved at her and walked out, feeling my cheeks blush because of the way she said Tae. It's been so long that I've only dreamt of this day.

~Week skip~

Today was the day she was going to leave the hospital! Little did she know while she was gone the government sold her house because she was no longer 18. So now she gets to live with me YAY!

I know I sound like a 12 year old who's excited for a sleepover, but really this just gives me excuses on being with her everyday.

"Ready?" Holding out my hand, I see a light shade of pink on her cheeks. I even saw a small smile tug her lips as she tried to hold it in.

"So I live with you now?" I could hear disappointment in her voice, which caused me to pout.

"Wae~ don't you want to live with the amazing Kim Taehyung?" Hearing her beautiful laugh, I decided to stop with the facial expressions and continued walking.

"How have Jess and Bambam been?"

"Well, Jess asks about you quiet often, she sometimes remind me of you."

"Aw~ wait don't you have a girlfriend? Like um.. what's her name? Niyeon?" It seems like she's forgotten about me breaking up with her. So far during the past week of visiting her, she hadn't remembered anything sweet I've done for her. In fact, she didn't even remember the dress I bought her for the school dance.

"I broke up with her a long time ago.."


"Because I realized she was just a slut." Just the mere picture of her in my head got me mad. It's all her fault for creating this drama.

"Huh? Jimin oppa?!"

Jimin? Who's Jimin? I lifted my head up and was suprised to see a familiar figure walk towards us.
{May POV}

I would reconize that red hair anywhere. It was Park Jimin. My childhood best friend.

He really did come back, he kept his pinky promise. We close back then, very close. Although unlike all the other stories... I didn't fall in love with him. He deserved better, of coarse he did.. he found the girl of his dreams.. Seulgi.

Running up in full speed I hugged him so tight as a few tears left my eyes.

"May, how are you?" His cheeky smile hadn't changed definitely.

"How are you?" I ask back dodging his 'its been too long talk'.

"Good, in fact me and my friends just moved here." He then grew silent when he see's Tae, for some reason they were both shocked.




It was sad that I was the one getting an earful of their shocked, unintentional yelling.

"Yah yah yah, whats going on here?" I ask as I get in the middle of them.

"Jimin is my cousin.." Taehyung mumbled.

"Is he with you guys?"

"Yeah, but he's still with her."

"So after all this time he still hadn't quit."

Looking Tae he seemed to tense up, at the conversation that I was clueless at.

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