Chapter 10

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I gasped unable to process the thought of my friend having such disease.

"Sunny.. when- how?"

"When we moved I had a heart attack, and the doctor realized I was having problems with my heart.." the rest I could hear were sobs, she was scared about dying.

"It's ok Sunny, it's ok.." My tears slowly slipped, while calming her down through the phone. I couldn't help but ty to wipe away my tears even though Taehyung was there.

The line then went blank, and here it was sobbing my heart out in public. Taehyung then took my hand,  and dragged me back to the car.

Before he opened the car doors, he pulled me into a deep hug. Making me freeze, I stopped my sobbing. He then leaned in closer to my ear.

"It's ok.."

The same words I had said to Sunny were repeated. I then hiccuped because of nervousness. It was a habit since middle school.

"You can let me go now." I said pushing him away slowly, and getting in the car quickly. He slowly get in the car and awkwardly started driving.

I bit my lip nervously staring out the window. His gaze was on me, while the car stopped for the red light. I wonder what's on his mind, because right now I have lots of things running through my head.
{Taehyung POV}

Even the right side of her face was beautiful. No matter what she did, even crying she was absolutely stunning without any doubt.

"May... are you going to still act as a boy during our school dance?"

"I'll just say I came with my brother to the dance.." she mumbled while leaning her head back and staring straight ahead of her, avoiding any contact with my eyes.

"Your not scared of Niyeon or Juju?"

"What about you? Why are you helping me out this much when you are dating Niyeon?" She retorted, I went speechless unable to answer her question I go back to mainly focusing on driving.

I then stop my car back at her house, she just slowly got everything she bought and went towards the front door. Watching her back slowly fade into the house, I sit back and sigh.

"What am I doing?" Just then my phone rung, looking at the caller ID, it was Niyeon.

"Hey what's up?" She was silent on the other side.

"You said you were only going to drop off Jay, and then head back.." I could tell she was pouting on the other side. Somehow I felt a little pissed hearing her whine through the phone.

"Look Niyeon, I'll see you at the school dance.. I'm kinda busy right now." Before she even spoke up, I hung up and unbuckled my seat belt. Opening the door I run up and ring the door bell.

Seeing her face again, I use my charming smile on her as I slowly step in.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be going home to get ready?"

"Yeah but, something's going on over at my house.." she nodded and let me in, good thing I brought my clothes to change into.

"You can use the bathroom, but do not go into my room." I nodded and slowly see her back fade upstairs.
{May POV}

After taking a quick shower, I head towards my room. Putting on my dress and applying makeup on. Since it was only a school dance, I just put on black converse even though girls would usually wear heals or something.

"Done yet?" Turning around I see Taehyung leaning against my doorframe. I also hear loud kid noises downstairs where Mark, Bambam and Jess are playing.

"Yeah." Not gonna lie his stare was killing me.

"Let's go." I grabbed my bag, and headed outside towards Tae's car.

While driving I said something that I wanted to say for the whole day, "When we get there.. can you please act like you don't know me, or don't hang out with me at all." He didn't reply and kept on driving. Leaving dumbfounded on his response.

When we arrived I could hearing the booming music which was coming from the gym. Stepping out of his car I waited for Tae to go out first before I did, otherwise we would look suspicious and I don't want to add another problem to my already filled list.

After a while, I started walking to the gym. People didn't notice me, and hopefully I blended into the wall like a wallflower. In fact no one seemed to be bothered by me.

But I judged to quickly when Juju came by along with Niyeon.

"Is that.. is that May?!" Juju dropped her plastic cup and stared at me in shock.

"Why are you even here?!" Niyeon asked.

"I came with my cousin, but he disappeared into the crowd so quickly." I said sounding as calm as possible even though inside I was running around crazily.

"Loser.." Niyeon came closer and tossed her paper cup at me which was filled with water. It ruined the beautiful dress that Taehyung had bought. Unable to do anything I stood there, frozen.

Even though the music was booming people just walked by us like nothing happened it didn't even gain attention.

"Yah!" Taehyung came running up to us, and all I could do was stand there and let a few tears slip out.

"Oh.. oh um.. oppa!" Niyeon said happily but her smile faded after noticing the from look on Tae's face.

"Were over Niyeon, you liar." He grabbed my hand but I refused to move, so he lifted me up in bridal style.

Hey guys I'm sorry if I hadn't been updating recently, school's been busy lately so I never had time to update and plus, when I do edit my mind goes blank sometimes. 😫 So please keep reading and support and make sure to comment! I'll try my best to update as much as possible!😄

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