Chapter 18

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Tossing and turning, I didn't notice Tae wasn't on the bed. In fact I was so stressed that my whole body has slowly gone numb. I didn't even notice I was on the edge of the bed and was about to fall off-

Scratch that.. already did.

"Ow.." I mumbled and slightly opened my eyes only to see a white wall looking back at me.

Going downstairs feeling hungry for breakfast, I was surprised to be greeted by a pile of shredded papers in the living room. The once nice looking living room had now turned into a deep mess that could take up to many hours to clean up. Who could of caused this? Why? It can't be me unless I sleep walk, and I don't. It was only Taehyung and me-

Tae.. where is he.. ?

Many thoughts erupted through my head, while chopping up some green onions.

"Ah!" I yelped feeling blood rush to the opened wound. Washing it carefully with warm water, I bandaged it. Unlike in most dramas the guy never came to help me with the cut or anything. I was left to fix the cut like any normal lonely girl out there.

After eating, I grabbed my purse and headed out. It's way to creeping being alone in such a huge house.

"Ah excuse me?" I turned around and see a girl with black, short hair and very large brown eyes.

"Ne?" She smiled cutely and walked closer.

"Do you perhaps know Kim Taehyung? I need to talk to him.." confused, I looked at her again from head to toe. Her petite body and small figure looked oddly familiar. Stepping even closer to her, I thought then popped into my head.

She was the one he kissed..

"Actually I do.. I don't know where he went actually he didn't leave me a note or anything." That was the moment I cussed silently at what she asked me next.

"Wait.. what do you mean note? Like, you live with him?" Swallowing down my saliva I looked away. She stepped even closer.

"Um.. no-no I meant uh.. a-um.. text!" I said brightly, sounding convincing she bounced off.

"Ah sorry.. you must be great friends with him I guess?" Chuckling as she scratched the back of her head awkwardly.

"Yeah.. "

"Then you must know who he's dating currently! He told me a couple days ago that he's dating someone else!" My face then went blank, who would he date? Is that why he's gone today?

"I don't know.. we're not that close.. "

"Sorry for bothering you I just wanted to see where he was. Anyways gotta run!" Turning around in her pink heels she walks off and gets into her car.
~At the café~

"Yah Sunny what should I do?" I whined only to be smacked in the head by her.

"You should be asking how am I dumba**." Looking hurt she stole my drink and wouldn't return it until I asked her.

"How are you." I said while rolling my eyes and leaning back.

"Well I'm not gonna die, in fact the doctor said I'm going to live a healthy life!" She said happily, feeling relief I then started rambling on about Taehyung and his so called girlfriend.

"Look, I came here to hang with you. Not hear you ramble about an old classmate of ours." Resting my head on the table, I diverted my vision to the window only seeing cars pass by or stopping.

"I get that you love him and all-"

"I don't love him, and I will never." I was confident in what I said.

"I get that you like him and all, but still are you ever going to tell him?" No one's really asked me that but myself, and everytime I ask myself I always answer no but at the end u have second thoughts.

"Hello? May?"

"Sorry it's just I don't know.. maybe?" That's all it took for her to drag my hand out the store and to the streets.

"Yah what are you doing! I need more time to weep!" Scoffing she still dragged me to a salon.

"I'm helping you look better, and plus it's been a couple weeks since you've waken up you need new clothes and a hair cut!" Feeling defeated I agreed.

"What do you want your hair to be miss?"

"I want my hair shoulder length. No layer." Nodding the lady sat me down and started washing my hair so she could cut it more easier.

"You've got to be kidding me a dress?" It was a hot pink buttoned up dress. If I spin the dress would've went up.

"It looks cute on you though!" She stomped her feet but I still denied.

"Fine how about this one?"

Suddenly my head started hurting a lot, the pain came back and Sunny suddenly dropped everything and quickly sat me down.


Spinning around in the mirror with a bright smile plastered all over my face, I went out of the dressing room. Tae sat there shocked at first but slowly smiled brightly, making me blush. The dress was very beautiful and I loved it.

"Come on let's go, we don't want to be late for the school dance." Intertwining his fingers with mine, he bought the dress and we stepped out of the store like an actual couple.

I was happy because of a dress?

~End of flashback~

"Are you ok?" Slowly I got back to reality, with Sunny crouched down just to make sure I was ok.

"Yeah I'm ok.. I just remembered something I'm fine." Sunny heitated at first but I grabbed the dress and went into the dressing room to try it on. We had already bought many clothes for me to wear, and Sunny swears this is the last one she's going to buy for me.

The dress was black and white same colors as the dress I wore in my memory, except this time it's sleaveless with lots of more pattern with the top. Spinning around I smiled joyfully loving the dress so very much. Although my smile faded when I thought of Tae. What if I looked ugly in this dress?

Stepping out shyly Sunny jumps up and squeels. "You look so pretty! Taehyung's going to love it." She said excitedly, rushing me back into the stall so I could change and buy that dress.
{Taehyung POV}

"She looks so beautiful..."

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