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Welcome to my first reader insert with One Punch Man. Okay first this takes place after the first season, and if you didn't read the manga then that cool too. Sooooo I hope you enjoy the story! 

Laughter rang through the park. The grass was swaying back and forth gently with a light breeze. Sitting on the ground with a bright smile was a girl with (h/l), (h/c), and beautiful (e/c) eyes. She was alone but still happy with no care in the world.

"Aren't you going to join me?" The girl looked towards someone and made an even bigger smile. The person stepped forward and looked at the girl. Then she spoke again. "When will you find me?" The person she was speaking too looked at her confused.

"Why would I look for you, when you're right here?" The person answered back to the girl making her giggle a little.

"Silly I mean in the real world!" The girl laughed again "Come find me in the real world." and then darkness was shown.

Saitama abruptly woke up from his sleep. The image of the girl from his dream blurry, but her (h/c) hair embroidered itself in his mind. He looked at his clock and saw it was about time for him to get up. 

"Sensei? Are you okay? My sensors showed your body temperature rising in your sleep." A blonde cyborg came to view with a pink apron on and a frying pan in his hand with a spatula in the other. 

"You scanned me in me sleep?" Saitama questioned the cyborg while getting up from his futon and going into the bathroom.

"Of course" Genos responded. Saitama came out with casual clothes on and sat down at the table. "You've been doing it for a month now, can you tell me what you were dreaming about?" Genos put the food he made in a plate for Saitama. After gobbling up the food Saitama put the T.V. on low and looked at Genos.

"It was a girl. She was so beautiful"  Saitama closed his eyes a blurry image of the girl appearing in his mind. "The dream took place in a park again. She then asked me to find her in the real world." Saitama looked at Genos and saw him with a notebook and a pen writing notes down. Nodding his head back and forth rhythmically. "DON'T TAKE NOTES!"

In Another Apartment 

You woke up from the dream on the floor....again. Getting up from the ground of your apartment you head into the bathroom and put on your work uniform. You've been having the same dream for about a month now. The only thing different was what you said to the man "Come find me in the real world."  The man you said that too in the dream who was he? Walking out of your apartment you lock up and head down to your job, at the office. '

While on the walk you passed 2 people on the street. I blonde haired man and a bald one. You were walking in separate directions so you only got a glimpse of them. One of them looked so familiar but where did you know them from? You kept walking and ended at your office building in no time. Finding your desk you sit down and get started on your very boring job. You mind still lingering on the one statement from your dream. "Come find me in the real world."

Woohoo that's one chapter done. I hope you enjoyed it! Welp...wherever you are good morning or good night...PEACE OUT!!!

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