Is It The End?

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There will be a good explanation for this..

Saitama looked around his surroundings, he was no longer in the forest. He recognized it as his living room. Saitama turned around when he heard a laugh. He saw the masked man who claimed to be your "creator" sitting on his couch.

"What a simple mind you have." Saitama looked at him with confusion. The man put a finger gun up to his temple. "We're in your mind, and it's as simple as your apartment. It amazes me why my creation even fell for a man of your caliber." Saitama ran at the man and tried to hit him but only destroyed his empty couch.

"You sure are hasty."

"You talk to much." Saitama said while attempting another right hook. The masked man, just raised his arm and stopped the blow. Saitama felt a smile crawling onto his lips. (Finally a worthy opponent. Our battle will be LEGENDARY) Saitama reacting faster than ever before kneed his enemy in the stomach. 

Every punch, kick, from both sides of the battle was blocked, deflected, or just avoided. Both men were panting exhausted until the masked man started laughing. 

"Last time I had this much fun, my husband was still alive." He said. Saitama offered a confused gaze. The man just spoke softly. "I know when I'm defeated it."

Saitama smirked and nodded his head. "No one's ever survived more than one punch when fighting me." 

"I would've never survived in real life." The man said. Sighing he removed his hat and mask. It revealed a blond man with light grey eye and a small smile. "She grew up to be a smart girl. Of course she needs a little more practice with her powers, but smart. "

Saitama stayed silent as he watched sadness glaze over the mans eyes. 

"I never wanted to hurt her, but alas everyone knows where good intentions leads you." 

Saitama wanted to respond but words wouldn't come out. 

"I'm trusting you to take care of my creation." The masked man sighed and pulled out a gun. "This will be our goodbye." The man waved his hand, and gave a genuine smile. It engraved itself into Saitama's head with the sound of the gun firing. 

The man looked at his surrounding and watched as they changed. It was a pink room with a small bed. There was a brunette sitting down on the bed with a small sleeping baby girl in his arms. He put the child in it's bed before walking towards him. 

"Jamie!" The brunette said with a smile. "A little late but you made it." The man or now Jamie looked at the brunette apologetically as tears ran down his face. He fell to the floor his face in his hands as he sobbed.

"I'm so sorry" he cried. "I felt so lost without you. I -" Jamie was cut off when he felt arms around him.

"It's okay." The brunette cupped Jamie's face and leaned forward. Causing both of their heads to touch. "You can come home now." With that, the room began to disappear into white. 

Saitama jolted awake from the floor of his apartment. He held his chest to see no wound but felt a pain in his chest where he was shot. All of a sudden Saitama was back on the floor with a warm weight on him. He looked down to see a girl holding him tightly. Sighing Saitama wrapped his arms around you and held you close.

"Is it over?"

"Hopefully." He said with a soft tone. "Where are the other two?" Saitama asked while staring at the ceiling.

"Well, Emiko wanted to treat Genos to some cheesecake so they left while I waited for you to wake up."

Saitama stayed silent as he felt you sit up. He shifted his gaze towards you. You had your hands in your lap and he noticed you were breathing unevenly. Saitama was about to move when you spoke.

"My father said I could never meet his other half." You looked at Saitama. "Yet, we did." Tears formed in your eyes but none fell. "So, why do I have this heavy feeling in my heart? Why do I feel sympathy for someone who I never loved?"

Saitama sat up and cupped your cheek. "He loved you, they both did." He kissed your head gently. "And you know for certain that I love you."

You smiled as you kissed him softly. The kiss was warm and sweet. You sighed and laid your head in the crook of his neck. Basking in his warmth. And you'll stay in that warmth for as long as you live. 

Honestly nothing was explained but thank you for reading!!!! I love all of you. This is it and before you guys ask I'll just answer them here. 

1. Yes you have 2 fathers. 
2. Your powers are still unidentified so
3. Emiko and Genos are friends but might turn into something more...
4. If this gets at least 55K reads and at least 5K votes I'll write a sequel. 

I hope you all enjoyed this book. Thank you for reading again and please do check out my other stories!! Anywhoo wherever you are good morning or good night...PEACE OUT!!!

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