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You know for a reader insert the reader is barely in the story....

Saitama and Genos quickly left the apartment heading to the location Emiko sent to Genos after their call. After about 30 minutes they arrived to a small house. They walked up to the door step and knocked. After no immediate response they knocked again but there was the same outcome. The two looked at each other and shrugged.

"Maybe you read the address wrong?" Saitama pondered.

Genos sweat dropped. "I don't believe that's possible Sensei, considering she sent me a link..."

Their conversation was put to a halt when they heard a small voice behind them. "Can you move so I can get inside?" They both turned around to see a small young lady with caramel skin and jet black hair flowing behind her back. She had on professional clothing and keys in her hand. They both didn't say a word and instead parted for her to open the door. Taking of her shoes she led the two into her home. 

Looking around her home they saw a table and the girl setting three glasses down. Then taking a seat. The two followed suit and sat at the table. 

"If you haven't realized by now I'm Emiko Suzhou." She looked at the glass of water in her hand. "She called me before she disappeared and I when I found out she was missing." Emiko put her face into her hands fear taking over her. "What if she's hurt, or lost or scared? What if we-" Her ranting was cut off when Emiko felt a metallic hand on her shoulder. 

"Please don't worry yourself Ms. Suzhou we will find her." Emiko smiled at thanked him.

Saitama feeling like a third wheel cleared him throat. "So how did you meet (Y/N)? I kinda feel left out of the loop since I'm the only one who doesn't know her."

Emiko quickly cleared her throat and scooted a few inches away from Genos. "I met (Y/N) at work. Since I'm only 18 I'm the youngest person there."

"Wait! You're only 18?" Saitama asked a little surprised.

"Yeah...can I continue?"


"Anyways she got stuck with mentoring me. She was always so kind to me and I found myself around her so much that I can't see my life without her now." Emiko looked at her hands in her and smiled. "You know she always seemed happiest when talking about her dreams."

Saitama arched an eyebrow. "What do you mean her dreams?"

Emiko was a little surprised at the question but continued. "W-well she was always having super weird dreams that were oddly vivid but recently she's been dreaming about this one dude. I thought it was funny that she seemed to more in love with a man she's never met than the one she was going to be married to." Before Emiko could continue anymore Saitama slammed his hands on the table scaring her.


"What?" She asked trying to recover from the scare

"(Y/N)! What does she look like? Do you have any pictures of her?"

"Yeah of course I do." Taking out her phone Emiko showed him the her screen saver. It was a selfie of  (Y/N) and her eating some cake at a cafe. Saitama's eyes widened with surprise.


*Waves* Hiya I'm alive.

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