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I hope you enjoy this chapter. The story is most like the movie serendipity but with DREAMS! That sounded way better in my head...Anywhoo let's get this show on the road!

*Serendipity : A happy accident or chance

"Hey, (Y/N) you okay?" You turn your head from the computer screen and meet your eyes with your coworker/best friend; Emiko. You hum a quiet 'yes' to answer her question and turn back to your screen. It was hard enough to be focused on work because all you can think about is that stupid dream. "Seriously though, you keep spacing out. Did something happen?" Looking back to the girl you decide to tell her about the dream.

"Yeah well I've been having this dream for a month now. It's always been the same. It starts in a park I'm alone and happy, then a guy shows up but I can't picture his face fully! And then I become even more happy and I say come find me in the real world." Finally breathing after talking you look at your friend and see she has a notepad writing down everything you said. "DON'T TAKE NOTES!" Sighing you look back at your computer screen but hear your work phone ring, picking it up instantly.

"Hello this is (F/N) (L/N) for the Hero Association Office. How may I help you?"

"Hey babe. I was calling because I had to cancel our dinner tonight." It was your fiance (he doesn't need a name)

"Really, but we've been planning it for 3 months now. I even got us a reservation at that fancy restaurant."

"I know but something came up at work and I have to deal with it. Babe I'm super sorry I'll make it up too you. I promise." You heard shouts coming from the other side of the phone. "Look I gotta go I love you. Bye"

Hanging up the phone with a sigh you turn back to your friend. "(Y/N) I know you love him but if he can't make time for you then what will it be like when you get married?" Sighing again you whisper a response making it low enough so only you could here it. "If this is what they call love then why don't I feel happy having it for him?" 

Time Skip brought to you by Genos' pink apron

Walking home from work you made your way to your home, you had gotten off early so you might as well enjoy your time alone. You lived in city Z in a big apartment building near the office. You had just moved in there with your boyfriend but he never contributes to anything but himself. Walking into your home you take a bath, put on pajama's you grab your (favorite/ice cream), cuddle in your blanket  on the living room couch and put on the movie serendipity.  During the middle of the movie is where you start to drift off to sleep. Slowly slipping away from reality.

It was raining. You were in the middle of the forest crying, like you just had your heart broken. Your arms wrapped around your legs and you rest your head crying your heart out while the rain poured even harder.

"Why are you crying?"  Raising your head you see a blurry figure but make out the chocolate color eyes. You could tell it was the guy from your other dream but your mouth moved on it's own.

"I tried so hard to make my fiance spend some time with me, but he doesn't pay attention. He doesn't see my hints. He doesn't notice that I just want him to see me as I see him?" The man crouched down to your level and patted your head.

"It's okay." Slowly wrapping his arms around your petite figure he sheltered you somewhat from the rain. "If he can't see how amazing you are then he doesn't deserve to see you at all."  Holding you closer he whispers in your ear with a smooth voice. "I hope to find you. In the real world."

Jerking awake you look around and see that your on the couch with the blanket wrapped around you. Feeling something wet on your cheeks you feel them and saw on you fingers tears. Laying back down on the couch you put your arm over your eyes and sigh. "Please find me."

Woohoo chapter is finally released! I'm kinda hoping to go places with this book so be prepared. Welp wherever you are good morning or good night...PEACE OUT!!!

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