Another Body

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Okay -Saitama- you are right now my motivation with your comments and so are you meena2020 XD. You both are amazing, I want to say thank you to all my readers this story has and might gain you never know so for me to stop rambling here's your chapter.

Saitama's House

Saitama's eyes jolted open as his body trembles. He looks at his hands and puts one in the place he was shot in the dream.

"It was dream but holding her and that gunshot felt so...real." Saitama thought.

Putting his hand up to his face he could remember exactly how her hair felt when he was patting her head to soothe her from when she was crying. The feeling of the tears he wiped off, the look in her beautiful (e/c) eyes that screamed in agony at him. Then he remembered how soft her lips were when he ever so gently kissed her. He's never met her and she has made him feel emotions he once thought were lost to him only to be found in his dreams with her. Saitama continued to think about how the girl in his dreams was impacting him when Genos came through the door.

Snapping out of his trance Saitama looked at his disciple with a questioning look.

"Sensei...last night, when you were asleep I scanned you again."

"Genos I told you not to d-"

"I know you did but listen when you were sleeping I sensed not just you but another body.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I do not know because when I did a scan of the whole apartment the only place I sensed the extra body was near you. To be exact next to you."

The room went silent after Genos spoke. The silence was broken when Genos received a phone call and left the apartment. Saitama decided he'd get ready too.

With (Y/N)

BANG. The loud sound shook the bathroom door.

"Open the damned door (Y/N)" You heard your boyfriend shout from the opposite side. "Babe you get up early to go into the bathroom with your phone? Are you pregnant?" Not responding silence came from the other side. Then a loud crash, the sound of a glass bottle being broken on the floor made you cringe. "I swear if you are I'm killing you! GET! OUT! OF! THE! DAMN! BATHROOM!"

Trying desperately to figure a way out you decide to wait.
You hear the front door open a person walk out and a loud slam of it closing. Waiting for a few minutes you run a bathe while quickly leaving the bathroom to get a change of clothes. Locking back the door you soak yourself in the water drifting away.

I'm just an author don't bite my head off if I kill someone. Besides no one will ever truly die unless....well I'd be spoiling it if I told you. Anywhoo I hope you enjoyed this chapter and wherever you are good morning or good night....PEACE OUT!!!!

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