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Alrighty let's get this going.

With Emiko

"Wait there's something else I need t-" The sound of the call ending made Emiko stop mid-sentence. Holding the bridge of her nose  she took an angered breath and let out a relaxed sigh. Picking up the phone she tried to recall you. There was no answer. After waiting a bit she tried again. It was the same result. Emiko being your best friend decided to get some exercise and jump to worst possible conclusion that could've happened to you. Running out of her workplace, she quickly got in her car and made her way down to your house. (Making my way downtown) 

 As she got there she was stopped by the police cruisers that were outside your apartment complex. A young officer came up to her car window and tapped on the glass. "Ma'am I'm going to need you to leave these premises." 

"I can't, my best friend lives in the house you officers are crowding into. Is everything alright? Is she okay, what happened to her?" The officer looks at Emiko quite skeptically before he asks her to get out of the car and follow him. Emiko was lead into your apartment and surprised by the sight before her. Your fiance was cowering in a corner crying like a child murmuring sentences. Emiko walked up to him looking down pitifully. "Are you okay?" She asked quietly and quite shocked.

The man who proposed to her friend just stared at her. Then finally spoke.
"She just disappeared from my grasp...I don't know where she went, if she's alive.." He trailed off and went back to cowering in a corner. Emiko not wanting to look at the disappointment of a man in front of her looked around the apartment. It looked normal except for all the cops everywhere. There was no blood and as your fiance said you weren't to be found either. Emiko asked some of the police men when they were called in, if they knew you were safe but they all said the same thing. 

"Leave it to us ma'am your friend will be okay."

Getting this response 20 times dampened Emiko's mood to be in that apartment, trying to find clues that weren't there. Not knowing where to go, Emiko went back to work. It was funny to her that, her friend was missing, and she went back to her job. Sighing Emiko thought about the previous events that happened in the last few days. Starting with the phone call she gave you before you disappeared. Then she thought back a little further, to the guy who called asking for you. He definitely wasn't your fiance but he could know where you were.

Logging into the company server Emiko pulled up a list of all the calls she made on the day you called sick. Then she filtered the results to cell phones. It was a short list of callers and the time increment wasn't to big but she could make it work. Picking up her company work phone Emiko began to type in the first number on the list.

Time Skip brought to you by Genos' Afro

"Hello this is Emiko of the Hero Association Office I was wondering if you know a woman named (Y/N)? "

"Yes I do."

"Oh my goodness! Finally I found you, you have no idea how long I have been trying to reach you. To think it would take 3 hours and 26 minutes but that's okay. Anyways you called in about two days ago asking for (Y/N) and I was wondering if you happened to speak to her recently."

"No, I have not spoken to her recently. Did something happen to her?"

"Well I can't really say. I was hoping you'd know but since you don't I'm sorry for disturbing you. Have a nice eve-"

"WAIT!! Don't hang up. (Y/N) and I are friends and if she's in trouble I want to help her...Emiko was it? Please let me help. I'm an S-Class hero there's surely something I can do."

Emiko's line went silent for a few seconds before a very excited and happy 'yes' was shouted over the phone. "Oh my goodness!! This is great! You're a hero, we can find her faster and save her if there's any real danger! Thank you so much umm..." The line fell silent again. "What was your name again?

"Genos. My name is Genos.

Well would ya look at that 2 chapters within the same month omg that's so amazing! Lolz. So I've been wondering if you guys would hate me I killed off like Emiko or something I don't know... :3 Anywhoo I hope yall enjoyed this chapter. So, wherever you are good morning or good night...PEACE OUT!!!

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