Boulevard of Broken Dreams

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Summer break woohooo!!! Anyways on the to the story.

Saitama's POV

I woke up in my pj's and in an unfamiliar bed. Looking around I saw that I was in a house. Then I felt something warm on my chest. Looking down I saw familiar (h/c) (h/l) and smiled. The girl had hair covering her face so I slowly pushed the hair behind her ears. She moved a little and finally woke up and look at me with those beautiful (e/c) eyes. 

"Good morning my love." She said smiling at me.

"Good morning? Um where are we?"

The girl giggled a little before responding. "Well we're right now in my dream home. It's pretty right?" I looked at the room I was in and saw a window. I could see trees like we were in a forest and a little more in the distance looked like what could be a water tower. I felt the girl's hold on me get a little tighter and put my attention back to her.

I sighed then pulled her into a hug."Yeah it is." I ran my fingers through her hair as I spoke. I felt guilt pile up on me as my voice cracked with the words I spoke. "I'm sorry I couldn't find you. I'm so sorry..I -" I was cut off by the girl putting a finger to my mouth. 

"Why are you apologizing?  Don't be sorry, you're here with me now and that's all that matters." The girl cupped my cheek. "Plus I at least know who you are."  The girl then leaned in close. I moved my hand to the back of her neck and tilted my head to the side. Yet, before our lips even touched...everything went black.

I woke up in my apartment on the floor. I groaned in anger and covered my face with my hands. This situation is so frustrating and insane. I get up from the floor and make m into the kitchen. I see Genos on the phone looking extremely worried. As soon as he ends the call he rushes over to me. 

"Sensei we have a problem."

"Oh. What's up?"

"My friend is missing."

My eyes went wide and I looked at Genos. He had his head low his hair covering his eyes but I could tell, he was worried. This poor kid. I sigh and place a hand on his shoulder. "Let me get dressed and we can search for your friend." Genos smiled and nodded his head. He then went further into the kitchen and put on a pink apron that said 'Kiss the Cook' and got a frying pan out. 

"While you change, I'll make us breakfast." I held my mouth to hold in my laughter and quickly went into the bathroom to get changed. As I finished I looked in the mirror and flashes from my dream came back. A water tower and a house in a forest. Hopefully I figure out what it means soon.

Yay I'm done! I literally have no authors note for y'all so without further ado. Wherever you are good morning or good night...PEACE OUT!!!

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