She's my fiancee

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It has come to my attention that this story is nothing like serendipity. The was really cute John Cusack movie this is nothing like that. Whoops? Anywhoo here's the next chapter. Enjoy!


Okay, jumping out of a window 24 stories high wasn't the best idea, but it beats dying by a weird flesh monster right? 
I close my eyes as I let gravity take me down. I took a deep breathe as I wait for the inevitable crash to the ground. Only problem was that the crash never came. It took my brain a full two minutes to understand that I wasn't dead. I look to my savior to see the famous C-Class hero. 

Mumen Rider

Normal POV

Stopping his bike, Mumen Rider, worriedly looked at the girl in his arms. "Miss, your life is precious! Please don't throw it away!"

You had a blank expression on her face. "I-I'm sorry?"

Mumen Rider smiled, "No please don't thank me. I'm only doing my job." You arched an eyebrow and got out of the arms of the hero. You noticed that you both were on the ground and the window you jumped out of was very high. Questioningly, you glance at the building and the cyclist, who was still talking. "I will not overlook any crime! So you have not-"

"I'm sorry to cut you Mr. Mumen, but there's a monster in that building on the 24th story. Thank you for saving me and I am truly grateful, so here" giving him a kiss on his cheek you turn on your heel and begin running. "Please be careful."

Mumen Rider held a hand to his cheek. His face felt warm, he looked to where you were running and shook his head. Mumen felt a hand on his shoulder and saw a man with black hair, light blue eyes, and a necklace with a ring on it.

"Excuse me sir, but my fiancee ran off from that building," the man pointed to the building where you jumped out of. "She had (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and a bout this tall." He waved his hand in front of his to about his shoulder.  Mumen recalled your face and eye color. He sighed and pointed in the direction you were running in. The man smiled at him and began to walk in the same direction.

Mumen Rider was about to cycle off when he remembered what you said. He looked back up at the window that you jumped out of. "She mentioned a monster didn't she?" He said with a whisper. Looking back to the direction where he saw you run off in and now the so-called fiance walking. Mumen was brought back to earth when an old woman asked him for some assistance getting to her home.

With Saitama

"I think she was in City U." Saitama said with confidence. Genos looked at Saitama with shock while Emiko was confused. "The area I woke up in, seemed like it'd be City U, it was empty, there was hardly any buildings, and plus the water tower said Property of City U..."
Emiko smiled, she looked at the two heroes with gratefulness. 

"Thank you, I really hope you find her and bring my best friend home." Emiko looked at Genos and smiled even wider. "Thank you." 
Genos' face lit up with a blush for a second only for him to break eye contact with Emiko. Rubbing the back of his neck he turned to Saitama.

"We should be going, right Sens-" Genos was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing. Taking it out quickly, his eyes widened at who was calling. "(Y/N)?!" He quickly hit the answer button.
Both Emiko and Saitama got closer to Genos to listen to what she had to say or at least tried to. 

"How?" They heard you say from the phone? There was silence for a few moments before you said another line. "Yup, I was right. Scarring and traumatizing." After that, the phone line went dead. 

The trio stared at the phone in Genos' hand. Quickly, Emiko pulled out her own phone and started swiping. The two heroes looked at her in confusion. 

"She's here, in City Z! Follow me!"

"How'd you figure that out?" Saitama asked with surprise. 

Emiko didn't respond, she instead grabbed her purse and ran out her house, staring at her phone. The two heroes looked at each other before following suit. Genos and Saitama caught up to the girl in no time. Genos picked up Emiko in his arms, and began following her phone. 

Saitama followed the two. "Wait for me a little longer (Y/N)."

No note, just wherever you are good morning or good night...PEACE OUT!!!

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