Kids and Headaches

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Yeah so this is gonna be fun.

Looking around you saw that you weren't in your apartment anymore. Instead you were in a familiar bed. Getting up you looked out a window to see a forestry area and what looked like to be a water tower in the distance.

"Well at least I should have water."

Walking around the house you looked for clues to show you where you were. Surprisingly there were no photos of anyone just empty frames. Though you had no idea what this place was it felt familiar. Walking out into the front of the house you saw two kids playing in the woods. Feeling hope for getting out of this place you ran towards them.

"Hey!! Can you two help me get out of here?"

The kids giggled at you but gestured for you to follow. Taking a nervous breath you follow. The kids break out into a run, laughing, and giggling. Sighing at the amount of exercising you're doing in a short period of time you continue to follow.

All of sudden you fall to ground your head paining with a thundering headache. Looking around at where you were now you saw the water tower closer now. You saw the two kids playing down by what seemed to be a river. Looking to your side you saw a huge cherry blossom tree. It was in full bloom. You looked back at the kids and saw one dead on the ground in a pool of blood. The other one by the body screaming in terror and sadness.

Tears started forming in your eyes slowly coming down. The headache came rushing back. You grabbed the sides of your head and tried to get up. Barely making it to your feet you see the child that was alive sobbing by the body. Slowly you try to make your way to them. Upon getting closer you realize the child dead is a boy and the other is a girl.

You were half way to the river when you stopped dead in your tracks. Your body started shaking for reasons you didn't know. You look to the water tower behind the little girl and see a man in a suit walk out. The little girl turned around hastily and tried to back away from him. You watched as the man dragged her back to the water tower.

You tried to move, tried to fight the pain, but ended up collapsing once more. Your mind slowly fades to black as you fall to the ground.

With Saitama

"What do you mean Sensei?! I didn't know she was the one you were dreaming about!" Genos said apologetically.

"What does it matter who met her first? Shes STILL missing!"

Saitama quickly regained his composure and nodded at Emiko.
"You're right. We need to look for her. But shes no where in the city we've looked for her everywhere."

Emiko tapped the table slowly thinking. "You said you were having similar dreams to hers right? Like dreams about her right?" Taking out a notebook that she previously wrote in for (Y/N)'s dreams. "Maybe they correspond to her actual location?.."

Genos looked at Emiko and her notebook. "D-did you take notes too?"

Emiko blushed at the comment and rubbed the nape of her neck. "Heh. Yeah...she hated it though."
Genos gave her an endearing smile and turned back to Saitama.

"Her idea is worth a shot right Sensei?"

Saitama looked back at Genos with determination. "I'm ready for anything at this point."


Genos put one of his hands on Saitama's forehead. Emiko had a fire extinguisher in case something went wrong and Saitama was confused.

"Wait so what are you doing?"

"Well, brain activity can be seen and tracked using an EEG. So Genos will be our EEG. So you just need to calm down and relax. Try to imagine (Y/N). Then focus on it and maybe you'll be-"

"Ah Emiko?" Genos said quietly. "Hes already asleep."

"Oh." Emiko sat down next to Genos the fire extinguisher still by her side. Connecting a monitor to Genos, Emiko was able to Saitama's brain waves. Look at the clock on the wall she began to track it every 5 min. Ready for anything.

I did not think it would take that long to write. I hope you enjoyed your little side adventure because theirs more to come! Anywhoo wherever you are good morning or good night...PEACE OUT!!!

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