Don't Forget

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Bet y'all forgot about it...

Heroes, police, and firemen and women piled into the apartment building. This is the second time this building has had an incident. All residents were evacuated from their homes.
A police officer was standing with a man who had a pack of cigarettes in his hand. The police officer had her notebook out and was taking notes.

"So, first you heard the alarm. Decided to finish your smoke and then leave the building. Got yelled at by a woman about a monster. Heard a terrible roar. Then ran out out of the building."

"Yes officer." The man took out a cigarette from his pack.

"Did you happen to see anything or anyone when running out of the building?" She asked eyeing his pack of cigarettes.

"I saw the woman's husband, fiance, boyfriend or whatever. They lived together."

The officer sighed and dismissed the man. The residents were allowed back into their homes and the firemen and women headed back to their station. The officer looked at the tall apartment building and shook her head. "God this is gonna be a lot of paperwork later."

With (Y/N)

You had to keep running. You felt your body burning with pain as your legs were about to give out. You looked at your surroundings and felt lost. Again. It was trees and more trees which meant you were in one of the many forests of City Z. Stopping to catch your breath you quickly pull yourself up into a tree. You hear rustles and hear growling coming from the direction you were running. You push yourself against the trunk, and hold a hand your mouth. 

Your ex- scratch that, the monster appeared right below the tree. He stopped right below you. It was like he was trying to sense you. You held your mouth tighter. You had stopped breathing with how quiet you were trying to be. Then...he left. You watched as he continued forward on his search for you. 

You made your way down the tree. As soon as your feet touched the ground your legs gave out. Your body was weak from running nonstop and no food. You were about to get up when you felt something on your shoulder. You heart stopped. Your body went stiff. You couldn't turn around. You felt tears threatening to fall. You were about to put all your energy into running away when you were pulled into a hug.

"(Y/N)! We found you." You looked at the young girl holding on to you. It was Emiko. She was here. Not waiting another second you hug the girl back. Tears streaming down your face. "You're safe now." She said while holding you. 

Emiko let you go and looked behind her. You followed her eyes to the two people in front of you. You instantly get up and tackle-hug to two. Both Genos and Saitama hugged you back as you cried in their arms.

"Don't let them take me again. I was alone for so long." Turning back to Emiko you saw she was crying too. You gestured for her to come into now group hug. "I never want to lose you guys again." 

After a few short moments, your little group hug ceased. Emiko and Genos had let go of you and Saitama, but you two didn't. Still caught up in the embrace and warmth of one another. Emiko took hold of Genos's hand and dragged him away from the two. Genos gave Emiko a questioning look.

"Let's give them some privacy and watch from the sidelines." Emiko said with a sly smirk.

You let go of Saitama and an immediate blush appeared on your face. Facing the ground you spoke. "I-I'm sorry. You don't really know me and yet I was hugging you like you did."
Saitama was going to speak, but you continued rambling. "I know this may sound weird, but I've been having dreams about you." Saitama fought the urge to chuckle and let you continue. Wanting to hear you out.

"Anyways they started like a few months back, and they've been super constant. Then I disappeared and I think I had a dream of you again but this time it was more realistic? Well they were all realistic, but this one felt more real, ya know? So like, I kind of dreamed that we have this connection, and we kinda kissed...a few times, man this sounds really weird, I'm sorry, can I start o-"

You were cut off by a pair of hands squishing your face.  You were forced to look up to Saitama. He had the biggest smile on his face as he laughed. He stopped squishing your face and place a hand under your chin. Leaning down a little bit, he kissed you gently. You kissed back immediately. You wrapped your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. You heard a squeal some distance away from you and parted from the hero.

"So you remember all the dreams?"

Saitama rolled his eyes. "Of course I do, you dummy." Smiling he kissed your head. "I promised to find you and I did." He gave a you a quick peck on the lips. You were about to go in for a longer one when someone cleared their throat. You both look away and see your ex. You see him standing in human form next to the man who claimed to be your father. 

"You didn't forget about us that soon, did you sweetheart?"

Woohooo....Cliffhanger!! Ish kinda. Not Really. Idk. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will see you in the next one. Let me know if you guys want a Christmas special or something because I'll write one if enough people request it. Anywhoo wherever you are good morning or good night...PEACE OUT!!!

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