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Okay so you saw a child be killed in the last chapter and your boyfriend is an alcoholic can it get any better...oh wait yes it can!

What was that? That dream was so familiar. Sitting up in your bed holding your head you remember your dream clearly. The child was shot. Why did you dream that. It doesn't make any sense.

Looking at the time you saw it was 8:00 getting up you shower and eat then change into your work clothes.
Humming a little tune while you you make your lunch you felt 2 cold hands wrap around your waist.

"Baaabeee don't go to work today. Call in sick and spend time with me. We barely see each other anymore."

Sighing you responded to your boyfriends plead. "No, I have to go to work today because there's an important meeting I need to go to." Lying through your teeth you walked your boyfriend back to bed and left for work. Happy to finally leave you start humming a tune again. Not noticing the person right in front of you.

Bumping into a hard metal body you rubbed you head feeling a bump.

"Ah sorry Miss I didn't mean to bum- (Y/N)!?"

"Genos? Hey! Sorry I wasn't paying attention and bumped into you."

"That's okay it probably hurt you more than me. Anyways where are you off to?"

"Work." Checking your phone you see that your about to be late so with a quick farewell you race to work trying to reach there on time.

{Time Skip}

"Hey (Y/N) you're late?"

"Yeah I actually bumped into a friend on my way." You said while sitting in your chair and getting started on your work.

"Wow you have friends other than me? I thought all you did was work, sleep and eat."

"Oh shut up not like your any be-" You were cut off by your phone ringing. Instantly picking it up you fake a sweet tone and answering.

The day went by too quickly. You found yourself wanting to glue your body down to the chair so you wouldn't have to go home. Laughing at the idea you gathered your belongings and left work. When you arrived home you saw countless beer bottles scattered in the kitchen and living room reminding you to clean the house again. Sighing at your drunk fiance laying asleep on the couch, you made your way to bed. Changing into your (f/c) pj's (pjs can be whatever you want everyone sleeps in different things.) you lay down in your bed and instantly fall asleep.

You were laying in the grass watching the clouds when a finger poked your cheek. Turning on your side you saw the man. Instantly throwing yourself onto him hugging him tightly you cried. "I need to leave. I don't want to be here any more."
You felt gentle pats on your head. It was soothing. Calming down a little you felt a hand on your chin life your chin up and wipe the tears. The man smiled at you. Trying desperately to ask his name, the man just continued to smile as he captured your lips in a sweet kiss. Pulling from the kiss he hugged you in tight embrace and whispered in your ear.

"I will save you."

In the distance there was a shining object glistening in the sunlight. From the moment you saw it you knew what it was. You were about to shove the man out the way when he continued his speaking. Trying to move you couldn't you could only watch the scene until it played out.

"My name is Saitama"

A tear fell as the gunshot was heard and the Saitama fell to the ground.

You woke up and instantly got your phone and ran into the bathroom. You went to look up the name but it was it was dead. You then heard a bang on the door followed by an angry shout. Your fiance was not happy.

Let's go I did it. You got his name but what about your hunny bunny fiance hmmmm....Anywhoo thank you for reading this chapter and wherever you are good morning or good night...PEACE OUT!!!

Only In a Dream (Saitama x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now