Bunkers and Brains

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SUMMMMERRRRRRR is a good time to update everything and that's what I'm gonna do. Hope you enjoy this chapter comment and leave a star if you like it. :)

Normal POV

Genos looked at the sleeping girl on the couch. She looked so peaceful. A piece of her hair was out of place, Genos slowly tucked it behind Emiko's ear. About to cup her cheek Genos quickly retracted his hand and stood up. Walking into the kitchen he saw Saitama in his hero uniform leaning on the counter with his hands crossed and a smirk on his face.

"You like her."

The statement surprised Genos and caused his ears to go pink. "N-no. I'm focused on being a strong hero like you sensei."

Saitama sighed and shook his head in disappointment. Walking over to Emiko he gently shook her awake. Emiko yawned and sat up from the couch. "Oh Saitama." Emiko looked at where she was and put her face in her hands. "I'm sorry for falling asleep. I didn't mean too."

Saitama looked at Emiko with a small smile. "That's alright. You're plan worked though, I think I know where (Y/N) is."

With (Y/N)

You woke up in the bed again. Same cabin, same forest, and same weird water tower. You thought back to the little girl being taken away to the water tower. Sighing you walk through the hole in the wall. As you were going to walk to the kitchen you heard a clatter on the floor. Bending down you pick up the knife that was on the floor. It was a normal knife but the only off thing is you don't know how it got here. There were no utensils or weapons in this place that you've seen. So how did it get here?

Dismissing those thoughts you walk into the kitchen and leave the knife on the counter, then leave the cabin. Walking back to the river where the little girl was taken you notice a small bridge crossing the body of water. Not thinking anything of it you cross the bridge. 

The water tower seemed much farther than you thought it was. You were walking for what seemed like an hour when you finally arrived to the water tower. You looked around it and saw nothing out of the ordinary. It was fenced around its perimeter and was the same height normal water towers are. So taking a deep breathe you climbed the fence trying to unclock the secrets of this mysterious place.

Ignoring the bad feeling you were getting in your gut, you continue forward, walking under the tower.
The ground felt like ice under the tower. A slight shiver ran up your spine causing you to rub the sides of your arms. Walking around, under the water tower you feel the ground give in a little bit. Looking uder where you're stepping you see the grass looks mire alive than the surrounding. Bending down you hesitate to open hidden thing you've just found.

You weren't a hug fan of being scared and not being able to tell whether or not this was real scared you even more. Taking another shaky breath you shook your head.

"I should wait, Saitama will have figured out where I am and I'll hopefully be in his arms when I wake up from this nightmare!" You say.

Just as you were about to head back to the cabin you felt a sharp pain in your head. Grabbing your head you start to scream in pain. Falling on to the ground you curl up and close your eyes. Begging for the pain to stop. Your eyes slowly start to close as a tear makes its way down your face.

Normal POV

As (Y/N) fell to the ground in pain the cold ground below the water tower began to open. The man with the white mask appeared and looked at (Y/N).

"Oh my darling. I'm so sorry." Picking up (Y/N) he made his way back where he came from, under the tower. The ground closed as he walked farther and farther into the dark.

I am very sorry this took so long. I lost internet at my house and am currently on my phone trying to publish it. Hopefully you liked this short one. Side note, the story is almost done so if y'all want to request what type of book I do next be my guest. Anywhoo...wherever you are good morning or good night....PEACE OUT!!!!

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