Come to Daddy

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So, I hope none of y'all got the corona virus, my state is forcing us to self quarantine and honestly, I'm not prepared if a zombie apocalypse starts. Enough that, lets finish this.

"I'm offended, I created you, and yet, here you are, completely forgetting about my existence." Your father put an arm around your ex and looked at Saitama. "She used to be such a Daddy's girl when she was younger." 

You felt your body go cold. Your ex knew? This whole time? You felt your vision starting to blur until you felt a warmth in your hand. You look down to see a red gloved hand holding yours. 

"Don't forget I'm here too." You look up at Saitama and instantly feel a little calmer. Saitama moves in front of you protectively standing guard. The masked man stood straight. He fixed his suit and white gloves. 

"Now, now. I mean no harm. Be a good girl and come to daddy."

"I am NOT your child, and that is wrong in so many ways." You say from behind Saitama. 

The masked man put a hand to his chest and made a fake crying sound. "My poor baby doesn't know who her creator is" pointing at you the masked man tilted his head to the side. "Do you even know who you are?" The masked man then put his hand on the back of your ex. 

"It's time for your upgrade."  The both of you watched as his body became bigger and more deformed. Extra extremities protruded from all around the disgusting monstrous body. Saitama jumped to punch but before he could even touch the monster, the masked man intercepted the attack. The masked man touched the center of Saitama's forehead causing the both of them to disappear in mid air. 

You stood in shock of what happened. You needed to run. Your ex- the roaring monster was coming. You could hear something. Beneath all the screaming was someone calling your name. All of sudden you were on the ground, with a warmer, smaller, body on yours. You see a globby-pinkish extremity latch on to a tree behind you and crush it. 

"You idiot! Stop spacing out, we gotta go!" Emiko yelled at you. As Emiko helped you up, you both see Genos attack the monster with a flying kick. The move didn't seem to have an impact on the monster as it just kept absorbing the hits. Emiko continued to pull you away from the fighting.

"Emiko we can't just leave!" You say, stopping dead in your tracks causing Emiko to turn around and grabed both of your shoulders.

"Okay (Y/n), well if you have some amazing superpower that can help you fight that thing while Genos distracts it for us, then I'm all ears!" You stare at her bewildered for a second until your eyes lit up. "Oh I do not like that look."

You quickly look around and see a river (convenient...) in the far off distance. Quickly cupping both of your hands you shout at the monster. "Hey you ugly-ass bitch! You want me so bad, come and get me!" Keeping your hold on Emiko you both run to the river. 

"I hope you know what you're doing."

"Have I ever led you astray?"

"Yes, on many occasions!"

You laugh off her truth and start to run faster. "Well not today!"

Genos appears next to you, running beside you guys. "Genos, got any water gun settings?" The cyber-boy nods his head. "Good, take Emiko and keep going to that river, gonna need some boiling water for that monster."

Genos scoops up Emiko in his arms and runs off ahead of you. You stop to catch your breath and see the monster not so far behind you. You smirk and continue to run towards the river. "Come and get me." You say to yourself.  

You hear water and soon feel it under your feet. Cool water rushing you down stream. You stay planted in the middle of torso deep water. Trying your best to keep your footing in the rushing water. The monster stops just before the bank of the river. He's still, he doesn't attack because he can't. During your first encounter with the monster you remember when you pulled the fire alarm. The monster couldn't get to the staircase and struggled because of the sprinklers in the building. Water was it's weakness and it's gonna get an ocean's worth.

You were ready to duck down in the river in case the monster did decide to attack when Genos came at the monster with another flying kick, only this time, when the blow landed hot steam erupted from the suit. The monster wailed in pain. Genos continued with the attacks, until finally the monsters globbish body dispersed and all that was left was your feeble ex. Genos kept his blaster on him as you climbed out the river. Emiko climbed down the tree she was put in and joined you and Genos around your ex. 

"What do we do now?" Emiko asked rhetorically.

Your ex put his hands up in the air signifying his surrender. You quickly grabbed the collar of his shirt and punch him in the face. Blood starts to trickle from his nose. "You bit-" just before his could finish his sentence Emiko gave him another blow to the face. Both of you started shaking your hand slightly because of the pain.

"I've wanted to do that for a while." Emiko said with a giant grin on her face. 

Yes! Almost over...Wherever you are good morning or good night...PEACE OUT!!!

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