A beautiful voice

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I think Genos is fabulous so ALL CREDIT TO THE IMAGE GOES TO THE CREATOR........yeah but also this chapter is a thank you to  @-Saitama- and @sofishticated_lol thanks for commenting. Hope you enjoy the story!

Saitama slowly wakes up from his deep sleep. Looking around the room he sees his disciple the S-class ranked hero 'Demon Cyborg' Genos sleeping on the couch. Looking at his clock he sees the time. 8:02 am 

Getting up from his futon Saitama quickly got dressed and ready to head to the supermarket. There was a big sale happening today at noon so he wanted to finish doing his chores so he could then go buy some food. Pouring a quick bowl of cereal he turns on the T.V putting the volume at low. Drifting back into his own mind where he thinks about the girl. She was crying this time, some bastard made her upset. Putting his hand on his heart he felt the beats rapidly increasing. "When she said 'fiance' why did it-" He sees Genos jerk awake from his slumber.

"Sensei I sense a monster further down in the city, I shall go take care of it!"

"But it's so quiet?" Walking towards the balcony Genos jumps off landing in the street. Running towards the where the monster was attacking. "Damn he couldn't use the door like a normal person." Walking towards the balcony he picks up the cactus Genos knocked down when he was running. Saitama looks in the direction Genos was running off. Sighing in defeat the bald hero leans on the rail of his balcony basking in the warm sun. His relaxation was interrupted by a sweet tune being sung.

"I see trees of green. Red roses too. I see them bloom for me and for you. And I think to myself what a wonderful world."

Looking for the voice he couldn't find it. Finally looking down from his balcony he sees a girl with (h/c) walking down the street. Could it be? Watching the girl from his balcony he waits for her to turn so he could get a glimpse of her face. Continuing to stare from a distance he was about too jump off the balcony when the girl was met with another female. Going back inside his apartment he picks up his empty cereal bowl and walks towards the kitchen.

With (Y/N)

"Hey, Y/N) glad you could make it." You see your boss waved to you.

"Yeah no problem so what did you need me to do?"

Walking down the street you arrive at a store with your boss. "Well I've heard you sing before and I heard you could play guitar, so I wondering if you could do it while wearing this?" Walking to the back of the store you see a blocked of section with a child barrier. Walking over the 2 ft fence you see a floor mat with the alphabet on it a chair with a guitar and panda costume (It's the picture without the hoodie and seducing person). "You'll be in this and you'll have to wear this mask." She holds a mask that covers your face up to the bottom of your nose. "It's for one day. You'll have a little booth right here, inside the store so you can sing and read books for the little children while their parents fight for groceries that'll be on sale. Please, please say you'll do it." Your boss looks at you with big pleading puppy eyes.

"Fine I'll do it." Instantly regretting you're decision you're boss shoved you into a near by bathroom and told you to get changed. After rushing to put on the outfit you walk out and start to feel self conscious of your outfit. "Uhh...boss why would the shoppers even bring their kids with them. Wouldn't they leave them home so they can shop to their hearts content?" Your boss hands you some bracelets ones for tiny hands and ones for big ones.

"The shoppers are allowed to come in 30 minutes before the store opens to get their children here and get a wristband. The wristband gives them extra savings on things." Throwing her hands in the air in excitement she continues to speak. "So it'll be a big sale AND extra savings for those with kids. This part of the store is far back enough that you could speak to the children without having to hear a lot of the ruckus going up upfront. If you look around the store it's really big." Looking at her phone she checks the time. 

"Okay you have 5 minutes before you have to start giving out the wristbands, to the parents and their children. Make sure and show that big smile put on you're mask and use that beautiful voice of yours." Running out to the front of the store your boss walks to the entrance and holds the doors. "Okay parents you have 30 minutes to get your extra savings with your children. Welcome!" Opening the doors she let's in all that parents with their kids.

Woohoo children! I can't wait to see how that plays out. Do you guys this it'll be funny if there was a sale like this with the children's discount and Saitama brought Genos and said he was his kid. That would be so funny. Welp wherever you are good morning or good night...PEACE OUT!!!

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